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Local List Glossary

Removal of occupancy conditions: Rural Worker's and Holiday Accommodation

When is this required?

  • applications made to remove occupancy conditions on a rural worker's dwelling; and
  • applications made to remove occupancy conditions on holiday accommodation.

What information is required?

Rural Workers Dwelling

In respect of a rural workers dwelling, evidence will be required to demonstrate that there is no long-term demand for the property as a rural worker's dwelling in the locality.  Evidence will be required which demonstrates that the property and any associated land has been appropriately marketed, reflecting the occupancy restrictions, for a period of at least 18 months and that over that time there was no demand for the property. The marketing strategy, along with the price at which the dwelling will be marketed should be agreed in writing with the local planning authority prior to the commencement of the marketing exercise.

Holiday Accommodation

In respect of holiday accommodation, compelling evidence will be required to demonstrate that the accommodation is no longer required to meet the tourism needs of the locality. Compelling evidence could include an appropriate marketing exercise, which would be required to be undertaken over a continuous 12-month period, at a price that reflects the occupancy restriction, which demonstrates that there is no demand to buy or rent the holiday accommodation. 

Relevant policy and reason for the document

North Devon and Torridge Local Plan 2011-2031:

North Devon and Torridge Local Plan Policy DM18: Tourism Accommodation

North Devon and Torridge Local Plan Policy DM28: Rural Workers Dwellings

Further information sources:

Rural Workers Supplementary Planning Document: and .

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