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Local List Glossary

Air Quality Impact Assessment (AQIA)

When is this required?

Development that has the potential to adversely affect air quality, be that through their operation and occupation or through demolition and construction.

  • The criteria and thresholds for requiring an AQIA are set out Tables 1 and 2 of the North Devon and Torridge Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document.
  • Air quality mitigation should be discussed prior to submission, with requirement for AQIAs identified and considered at pre-application, where possible.

Note: Minor developments are exempt due to the likely negligible impact.

What should an AQIA include?

  • It should be proportionate to the nature and scale of development and prepared in accordance with the latest guidance, incorporating an air quality modelling study using a method as agreed by the Council in advance.
  • Baseline data for pollutant concentrations used in modelling should be the most recently published annual data, agreed with the Council in advance.
  • Baseline data for traffic flows should be agreed in advance with the local highway authority and an AQIA that uses such data with only be accepted if this is the case; this should be agreed during the pre-application process and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) screening and scoping process.

Agricultural Development

  • An AQIA may be required for agricultural development that proposes infrastructure that may increase ammonia emissions such as, but not limited to:

  1. livestock housing (except primarily sheep or horses);
  2. new/expanded slurry tanks and lagoons; and/or
  3. anaerobic digesters either with or without combustion plants.
  • The requirement will be dependent upon the proximity of the proposal to designated sites (i.e., Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs)) and the specific  habitats and or species of those sites. The need for an assessment can be determined by reference to the SSSI Impact Risk Zone (IRZ) layer on MAGIC[1].
  • Where a proposal is within an IRZ and triggers a relevant threshold it must as a minimum, be accompanied by a Simple Calculation of Atmospheric Impacts Limits (SCAIL) assessment. The SCAIL assessment is free to use and completed using an online tool[2].
  •  A user guide[3] for the online tool is available for applicants and agents. Natural England are able to provide discretionary advice, on a cost recovery basis, on the use of the tool at an early stage of the application process, to help improve the quality of applications before they are submitted. Please visit the website for more information and a downloadable request form here.
  • The applicant must conduct the SCAIL assessment and submit the input and output files of the assessment to the Council.

Relevant policy and reason for the document:

North Devon and Torridge Local Plan 2011-2031:

North Devon and Torridge Local Plan Policy: ST03: Adapting to Climate Change Strengthening Resilience

North Devon and Torridge Local Plan Policy: DM01: Amenity Considerations

North Devon and Torridge Local Plan Policy: DM02: Environmental Protection

North Devon and Torridge Local Plan Policy: BRA: Braunton and Wrafton Spatial Vision and Development Strategy.

National Planning Practice Policy paragraphs 170 and 180:

National Planning Practice Guidance - Air Quality:

Further information sources:

North Devon and Torridge Supplementary Planning.

Air Pollution Information Service (APIS):

Information on 'SCAIL Agriculture' and 'SCAIL Combustion', is available at: SCAIL - Simple Calculation of Atmospheric Impact Limits:



[1]  (Select 'SSSI Impact Risk Zones' layer under Designations> Land Based Designations> Statutory)



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