Local List Glossary
Landscape Scheme
When is this required?
- major development proposals
- minor development proposals that would likely affect the existing landscape character or appearance of the application site.
What information is required?
A report, prepared by an appropriately qualified person, should detail the treatment of private and public spaces, which includes an explanation of the function of the proposed landscaping, how it will be maintained and its relationship to the surrounding area with reference to any published Landscape Character Assessments or Conservation Area Character Appraisals. The following should be provided for all major development proposals and all or some of the below may be required for other development proposals:
- proposed finished levels or contours;
- means of enclosure;
- car parking layouts;
- other vehicle and pedestrian access and circulation areas;
- hard surfacing materials;
- minor artefacts and structures (e.g., street furniture, play equipment, refuse or other storage units, signs, lighting etc.);
- proposed and existing functional services above and below ground level (e.g. drainage, power, communication cables, pipelines etc. indicating lines, manholes, supports etc.);
- retained historic landscape features and proposals for restoration, where relevant; and
- soft landscape works including:
- planting schemes;
- plants schedules detailing, species, plant sizes and proposed numbers/densities;
- written specifications in respect of cultivation and operations associated with plant and grass establishment; and
- implementation and post planting management and maintenance programmes for a minimum period of 5 years.
Relevant policy and reason for the document:
North Devon and Torridge Local Plan 2011-2031: http://consult.torridge.gov.uk/portal/planning/localplan/adoption/
North Devon and Torridge Local Plan Policy: ST04: Improving the Quality of Development
North Devon and Torridge Local Plan Policy: ST14: Enhancing Environmental Asset
North Devon and Torridge Local Plan Policy: DM04Design Principles
Further information sources:
North Devon and Torridge Landscape Character Assessment (2011): https://www.torridge.gov.uk/article/11273/Joint-Landscape-Character-Assessment-for-North-Devon-and-Torridge-Districts
North Devon Conservation Area Appraisals: https://www.northdevon.gov.uk/council/strategies-plans-and-policies/environment-and-planning-policies/local-plan/planning-policy-supporting-documents/environment/conservation-area-character-appraisals/