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Local List Glossary

Part Two - Local List Requirements, Plans and Documents

This list sets out the local validation requirements (listed alphabetically). For each item the following guidance is provided:

  • when the information is required
  • what information is required
  • the basis for the information requirement
  • links to further guidance, when available

Whilst guidance is provided for each item, the nature and extent of the information required will depend on the individual site and proposal. The list is not exhaustive, and it is possible that once an application has been validated, further information may have to be submitted in order for the application to be determined. The list does not therefore limit the Councils' ability to request additional information should further issues arise during the planning application determination period.

Index of Local Requirements

Plans and Drawings

Air Quality Impact Assessment

Arboricultural Impact Assessment

Archaeological Assessment

Building for Life - a Healthy Life Assessment

Coal Mining Risk Assessment  

Contaminated Land Assessment

Community Services and Facilities - Justification for loss

Crime and Disorder Statement

Critical Drainage Area Surface Water Management Report

Environmental Impact Assessment

Flood Risk Assessment

Foul Drainage Assessment

Fire Assessment

Habitats Mitigation Plan, Financial Contributions - North Devon

Health Impact Assessment

Heritage Statement (Statement of Significance)

Housing Statement

Landscape (incorporating Seascape) and Visual Impact Assessment(LVIA)

Landscape Proposals

Lighting Impact Assessment

Local Connections Report for Rural Settlements

Justification Statement - Loss of land in or allocated for Economic Development

Noise Impact Assessment

Open Space Assessment

Planning Obligations / Draft Heads of Terms for Section 106 Agreements

Planning Statement

Pre-application Consultation Statement

Retail and Leisure Impact Assessment/Sequential Assessment

Rural Building Conversion - Justification Statement

Rural Workers' Dwelling and Farmer Family Attached Accommodation Justification

Removal of occupancy conditions: Rural Workers and Holiday Accommodation

Sustainability Statement

Transport Assessments/Statements and Travel Plans

Viability Appraisal

Waste Audit Statement

Ventilation/Extraction Details

Wildlife / Geology Trigger List and Associated Wildlife Report /Biodiversity Impact Assessment

Whilst guidance is provided for each item, the nature and extent of the information required will depend on the individual site and proposal. The list is not exhaustive, and it is possible that once an application has been validated, further information may have to be submitted in order for the application to be determined. The list does not therefore limit the Councils' ability to request additional information should further issues arise during the planning application determination period.

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