Apply For Planning Permission and The Local List

This local list has been designed to help you find all the information that you will need to provide for your planning application, as well as listing the national requirements that are mandatory for all planning applications. Your application will only be accepted if you provide all the necessary information.
Finding requirements
You can search through our local list glossary for all the local requirements needed for your planning application.
For further guidance please use our newly developed local list matrix. Please note this is a live document and may be updated.
Submitting an application
Once you have all the national and local requirements in order, planning applications can be submitted through the following means:
- Through the Planning Portal.
- Email to Planning Support - with the application form and all relevant documents in PDF format.
- Hard/Paper Copy (Only one copy required). You can Download paper forms here.
Payment of planning fees
All planning applications require a planning fee to be paid. You can find a fee calculator here.
Applications submitted to the Planning Portal will need to be paid directly to them by calling Tel: 0333 3233 900 or by visiting
Planning fees for planning applications submitted directly to Torridge District Council can be made via:
- Debit or Credit Card over the phone by calling Planning Support on 01237 428711
- Cheque (made payable to 'Torridge District Council')
- BACS - Our bank details are: Sort Code: 30-90-78, Account Number: 29541760, Account Name: "Torridge District Council - Receipts" (Customers should email remittance advice to