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Local List Glossary

Community Services and Facilities - Justification for Loss

When is it required?

  • Development that would result in the loss of a community service or facility.

What is required?

Evidence will be required that demonstrates that the premises are no longer required to meet the needs of the community and the existing use is no longer commercially viable or could not be made commercially viable, or that there is alternative local provision which is accessible to the local community by walking or cycling.

Evidence will be required to demonstrate:

  • There is alternative accessible local provision, or
  • The need for alternative community facilities has been researched and that it can be evidenced there has been no, or insufficient, demand; and in either case
  • Opportunities to support the facility by the introduction of other services have been explored;
  • Efforts have been undertaken to secure the financial viability of the facility through applications for grant aid, business advice and discussions with community groups, Parish Councils, the Council, Devon County Council and other national or local bodies with a direct interest in rural service provision; and
  • The facility is not commercially viable. In order to determine if this is the case, the Council will require submission of trading accounts for the last three full years in which the facility was operating as a full-time business.

Commercially operated facilities must further demonstrate that they have been subject to an appropriate marketing exercise, for the existing use over a 12-month period prior to the application. The marketing exercise should be agreed with the Council in advance of its commencement.

Relevant policy and reason for the document:

North Devon and Torridge Local Plan 2011-2031:

North Devon and Torridge Local Plan Policy ST22: Community Services and Facilities

North Devon and Torridge Local Plan paragraph 8.3 provides that community services and facilities include: and youth services, healthcare, culture, places of worship, parish and village halls, police and emergency services, recreation and amenity space, allotments and community gardens, green infrastructure, sport, transport and public utilities.

North Devon and Torridge Local Plan footnote 62- Commercially operated facilities are defined as village shops, public houses, restaurants, post offices, petrol stations, car repair/sale garages, doctors/ dental/veterinary surgeries, and other commercially owned and operated businesses/ facilities offering rural based services to communities.

National Planning Policy Framework paragraph 92:

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