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Notification of Change of Name and/or Address

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If you are a premises licence holder and/or designated premises supervisor, you should notify us as soon as possible if you change your name or address.

To do this you will need to download the Premises Licence Update Form (PDF, 146 KB)(opens in new tab) and complete and return to the address below along with the fee as stated on the form.

This form can also be used to change the name of the premises as it appears on the licence.

Completing this form will only change the name as it appears on the premises licence, it does not officially change the name of the property. For information on how to offically change a property name please go to Street Naming and Numbering

Please note that this form can only be used to amend the details relating to the existing licence holder/designated premises supervisor, if the licence holder or DPS has changed then please see the information on Transferring a Premises Licence and/or Varying the DPS

Contact us

If you have any queries, or require help with your application, please contact the Licensing Team.

  • email:
  • phone: 01237 428700
  • post: Licensing Team, Torridge District Council, Riverbank House, Bideford EX39 2QG

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