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Workforce Profile

We provide work for nearly 295 people but some people work very occasionally. In terms of 'whole time equivalents' we employ 230 people. The numbers increase each Summer when around 10 seasonal staff join us.

For further information please see the related download document, this shows our Workforce Profile as at 31st March 2012.

Role Types

The roles at Torridge are broken down into 4 types, Managerial, Professional/Technical, Operational and Support/Admin.  When looking at the breakdown, the information should be treated with a degree of caution as many jobs encompass more than one role. For example, many of our managers and supervisors combine those responsibilities with providing professional advice or expertise.

Working Hours

A majority of our people work full time. However, the proportion working full time has continued to decline, as can be seen from the diagrams in our Workforce Profile opposite. 

Age Distribution

The age distribution across our team is fairly well spread. We have not operated a mandatory retirement age for a number of years.


The workforce is predominately white with only 2% of employees indicating that their ethnicity is different to that of the majority.


A similar small number of staff (5%) has indicated that they have a disability.


The average sickness per full time employee in 2011/12 rose to 7.4 days. This 'bucked' the downward trend established over the past few years (9.74 days in 2007/8, 8.56 days in 2008/9, 6.99 days in 2009/10 and 6.7 days in 2011/12). When long term sickness is 'stripped-out' of this figure, the average sickness per employee reduces to 2.9 days per annum: this compares to averages of 4.48, 3.23 and 4 days short term sickness in 2008/9, 2009/10 and 2011/12 respectively.


In overall terms, we continue to employ a rough balance of men and women. (54% male, 46% female). However, there are significant differences within role types, as shown in our Workforce Profile opposite.

Equal Pay

In 2008 we completed the implementation of single status. This means that the terms and conditions of all but the most senior post holders are based on a nationally recognised job evaluation scheme that has been 'equality proofed'. Since then we have kept job evaluation arrangements up to date and we can thus be reasonably confident that the way we set basic pay rates reflect principle of equal work for equal value.

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