Equality and Diversity
Torridge is committed to meeting its obligation to remove inequality and promote fairness.

What is Equality?
Equality is about making sure people are treated fairly and given fair chances. Equality is not about treating everyone in the same way, but it recognises that their needs are met in different ways.
Equality focuses on those areas covered by legislation, namely the 9 'protected characteristics' of:
- Age
- Disability
- Sex
- Gender Reassignment
- Marriage and Civil Partnership
- Pregnancy and Maternity
- Race
- Religion/Belief
- Sexual Orientation
What is Diversity?
Diversity is about valuing individual difference. So 'diversity' is much more than just a new word for equality. A diversity approach aims to recognise, value and manage differences in order to make the Council a better place for everyone.
Torridge District Council is committed to promoting equality and diversity by aiming to:
- challenge and eradicate prejudice and discrimination
- respect and value diversity
- promote tolerance
- provide responsive, sensitive and accessible services and information
- ensure our workforce reflects the diverse population of North Devon
- develop a positive, supportive and anti-discriminatory working environment for all staff