Devon Character Areas

DCA 66: Western Culm Plateau


DCA 66: Context map of Devon Character Area location and component Landscape Character Types

DCA 66: View west from Bursdon Moor towards the coast with Hartland Point radar dome and the shadow-like profile of Lundy on the horizon.

View west from Bursdon Moor towards the coast with Hartland Point radar dome and the shadow-like profile of Lundy on the horizon.

Contextual description

This extensive area is located on the western edge of Torridge District and comprises elevated upland farmland and Culm grassland. Its western boundary is defined by the county boundary with Cornwall. To the north are the Hartland Peninsula and the Bideford Bay Coast DCAs, where the landscape changes from grassland and plantation to more intensive agricultural use and coastal influences become stronger. To the east is the more incised landscape of the Western Torridge Upland Farmland DCA, while to the south there is a gradual transition into the High Torridge Culm Plateau and the Upper Tamar Tributary Valleys DCAs.

Link to National Character Areas and Constituent Landscape Character Types

Constituent LCTs: 1F Farmed Lowland Moorland and Culm Grassland, 5A Inland Elevated Undulating Land, 3C Sparsely Settled Farmed Valley Floors and 3H Secluded Valleys.

This DCA falls within The Culm National Character Area (NCA 149).

Summary character description

This is an elevated, expansive landscape forming a series of ridges, with long views from high ground. Dartmoor provides a backdrop to the southern part of the area; the sea forms the horizons from the north. There are extensive areas of Culm grassland, which can feel bleak and exposed, but are rich in prehistoric archaeology and of international importance for their biodiversity. Some areas have been planted in the past for forestry, and the dark colours and abrupt edges of the large conifer plantations that remain contrast with the softer deciduous vegetation in the valleys. The farmed landscape of the valleys also conveys a more settled 'working' character than the Culm grasslands of the moors above. It includes pastoral fields, scattered whitewashed farms and occasional larger settlements such as Bradworthy and Holsworthy.

DCA 66: Locally distinctive North Devon ‘Ruby Red’ cattle grazing Culm grasslands.

Locally distinctive North Devon 'Ruby Red' cattle grazing Culm grasslands.

Distinctive characteristics

  • Underlying geology of Culm Measures, comprising smooth banks of mudstones and siltstones, and harder outcrops of sandstone which create broad ridges. These give rise to poorly drained, acidic soils.
  • Elevated, open land cut by a series of tributaries forming folds in the landform.
  • Parts of the area have a farmed character, with fields grazed by cattle and sheep, while others are characterised by roughly grazed, open Culm grasslands and rushy meadows.
  • Medium-scale regular fields of recent enclosure on higher ground; pockets of smaller fields of medieval origin on valley slopes.
  • Fields enclosed by mixed-species hedges, with flower-rich banks and hedgerow trees in sheltered locations. Locally distinctive hedges topped with gorse and beech feature around Holsworthy.
  • Tributary valleys with broadleaved and wet woodlands providing shelter and texture, contrasting with extensive conifer blocks on upland areas, with many now being restructured/felled. Avenues of mature beech are found on summits and along roadsides.
  • Extensive Culm grasslands supporting a diverse range of species including ground-nesting birds and the marsh-fritillary butterfly. Fen and rush pasture, valley mire, unimproved wet grassland and riparian/ valley-side woodland provide further habitat interest.
  • Scattered archaeological features, including clusters of Bronze Age bowl barrows on summits, possibly part of a wider prehistoric landscape incorporating Clovelly Dykes (in DCA 3).
  • Farms often sited on exposed ridges with shelter planting, while nucleated villages tend to occupy prominent ridgeline positions with linear development often spreading out from the historic core.
  • Local vernacular of white-washed or local sandstone buildings, often with red brick detailing, and with slate or thatched roofs.
  • Square church towers with ornate pinnacles creating distinctive local landmarks (e.g. Bradworthy, Buckland Brewer and Bridgerule).
  • Locally distinctive linhays (livestock shelters) of local stone and cob.
  • Straight roads traversing ridges and dipping down into valleys, crossing streams on sandstone bridges, with white fingerposts at road junctions.
  • Views to an open seascape from the northern part of the area including to Lundy Island on the horizon.
  • Individual farm-based wind turbines are prevalent in views across the landscape and to adjacent areas. There is a three-turbine wind farm at Forest Moor, near Pitworthy.

DCA 66: Landmark square church tower peeping above the trees at Churchtown, north-east of Bridgerule.

Landmark square church tower partially visible above the trees at Churchtown, north-east of Bridgerule.

Special qualities and features

Long views from high ground across open landscapes to the sea in the north and Dartmoor and Bodmin Moor in the south.

Strong rural character with a sense of remoteness, particularly in the Culm grassland areas, and away from main roads and settlements.

Culm grasslands, including Bursdon Moor, Thorne Moor, Bradworthy Common,internationally valued as part of the Culm Grasslands Special Area of Conservation. Several other Culm grassland areas are Sites of Special Scientific Interest and County Wildlife Sites.

Dunsdon National Nature Reserve provides public access and interpretation of the important Culm grassland habitats present.

The distinctive sight of local North Devon 'Ruby Red' cattle grazing the grasslands results in the area being affectionately known as 'Ruby Country'.

Regionally Important Geological Site covering geological exposure at Bradworthy Mill Quarry.

Numerous prehistoric barrow sites scattered across the LCT, many of which are Scheduled Monuments.

Conservation Areas covering the historic cores of Holsworthy, Bradworthy and Buckland Brewer.

Areas of open access land providing opportunities to experience the landscape, including Bradworthy and Bursdon Commons and Thorne Moor, as well as within Forestry Commission-managed plantations.

Relatively high levels of tranquillity in the central and northern parts of the area, and dark night skies away from the influence of Holsworthy.

Forces for change and their landscape implications

Past and current

  • Agricultural intensification and amalgamation of farm units into larger, more economically viable holdings.
  • Localised loss or poor management of traditional landscape features such as hedgerows and linhays.
  • Fragmentation of Culm grassland habitats due to agricultural improvement and drainage.
  • Poor management of some remaining Culm grassland areas, including under-grazing leading to scrubbing up, and over-grazing leading to a uniform grass sward.
  • Introduction of 20th century conifer plantations within the open landscape, and decline in levels of traditional woodland management (e,g, coppicing) in the area's broadleaved woodlands.
  • Some areas of plantation have been felled and restored to semi-natural heathland/Culm grassland (e.g. Dunsdon National Nature Reserve).
  • Introduction of new elements into the landscape, including reservoirs in the Tamar Valley and farm diversification schemes such as fisheries, campsites, shooting ranges and equestrian centres.
  • New residential development on settlement edges (e.g. at Buckland Brewer and Holsworthy). Linear spread of housing outside some settlements' historic cores and infill development within; often prominent on ridgelines.
  • Industrial development (including a biogas plant) on the edge of Holsworthy.
  • Prominent pylon lines, wind turbines near Bradworthy, industrial developments outside Holsworthy and busy roads (e.g. the main A388 and A39) intrude on the strongly rural character of the landscape.
  • Increase in tourist, farm and industrial traffic, resulting in localised areas of congestion on the rural road network.
  • Growth in tourism and recreation, including camping/caravan sites in prominent locations. Nearby reservoirs (Upper & Tamar Lakes) are popular visitor and recreation facilities.
  • Wind turbines and windfarms becoming increasingly prevalent in the landscape, including single domestic-scale turbines associated with farms.
  • Solar farms becoming more common - including 51ha solar farm at Pitworthy and 11ha at Bradford Manor, as well as scattered domestic-scale sites.
  • Effects of climate change resulting in wetter and warmer winters, and more frequent hot and dry periods, increasing the risk of drought in summer, as well as more frequent extreme weather events such as storms, with more intense rainfall causing flooding.

DCA 66: Wind turbines are increasingly prevalent in the landscape, including at Galsworthy Moor near Stibb Cross.

Wind turbines are increasingly prevalent in the landscape, including at Galsworthy Moor near Stibb Cross.


  • Forthcoming changes to agricultural subsidies, including the new ELMs scheme (which will pay landowners for the delivery of public goods and services, including for the restoration of nature) potentially affecting farm viability, land use, farming techniques (including regenerative practices) and management of characteristic landscape features such as hedgerows and linhays.
  • Ongoing demand for commercial wind farms on the high open ridges, as well as other renewable energy schemes within the farmed landscape, including biomass crops, solar farms and domestic-scale renewables which could have a cumulative landscape impact.
  • Further development pressure (housing, commercial and industrial) around the main settlements due the attractiveness of the area as a place to live.
  • Increase in tourism and recreation, and continued farm diversification for campsites/visitor accommodation, potentially changing the character of the landscape and reducing its tranquillity.
  • Ongoing climate change affecting weather patterns, storm frequency and growing seasons, in turn affecting farming practices and the species composition of Culm grasslands.
  • Felling and replanting/restructuring of forestry plantations (with more mixed species composition and restored open habitats) as they reach maturity.
  • Potential changes in species composition and distribution of broadleaved woodland as a result of new pests, pathogens/diseases (including Ash dieback and Phytophthora) and changing climatic conditions, affecting landscape character.
  • Potential for future woodland and riparian planting to reduce downstream flooding and increase carbon sequestration.

DCA 66: An area of felled conifer plantation and heathland/grassland restoration at Winslade Plantation.

An area of felled conifer plantation and heathland/grassland restoration at Winslade Plantation.

Landscape guidelines


  • Protect locally distinctive built features such as linhays, sandstone bridges and white fingerposts; ensure that any new building respects local vernacular styles (whilst incorporating sustainable design).
  • Protect the farming and land management traditions of the area, continuing to support local farmers to extensively graze remaining areas of Culm grassland, fen, meadow and mire as integral parts of their farming systems.
  • Protect the landscape's pattern of dispersed farmsteads and nucleated villages on ridgetops. Resist the further spread of new development outside historic cores, including along roads, and manage levels of lighting to preserve dark night skies.
  • Protect and appropriately manage the prehistoric archaeology of the area, including numerous bowl barrows atop the hills and ridges. This should include grazing at appropriate levels and recreation management, including sensitive interpretation.
  • Protect the landscape's variety of traditional building styles, including white-washed and exposed stone, often with red brick detailing, and slate or thatch as roofing materials.
  • Protect the area's rural character, sense of openness and long views, avoiding poorly-sited development.
  • Characteristic landscape features such as white wooden finger posts, sandstone bridges and linhays should be retained and kept in a good state of repair.
  • Protect the landscape's strong sense of tranquillity and remoteness and long-ranging views (including to Dartmoor National Park), avoiding the location of new development on prominent, open ridgelines,


  • Manage Culm grassland and wetland habitats (with locally appropriate levels of grazing) to maximise their biodiversity and strengthen their resilience to climate change.
  • Manage forestry plantations for sustainable timber production and to enhance their wildlife interest.
  • Explore the potential for community use of woodfuel as a sustainable resource, and the use of plantations as recreational sites, reducing visitor pressure on more sensitive Culm grassland habitats. Consider softening the edges of plantations with native broadleaved species.
  • Manage the landscape's varied Devon hedgebanks and avenues of trees, reflecting local variations in styles and species composition. Reinstate coppicing and hedge laying to neglected sections, planting new trees where specimens are over-mature (consider using climate-hardy species to ensure longevity).


  • Plan for changes (and opportunities) affecting the agricultural sector as a result of market pressures (including Brexit and increased demand for domestic food production) and the new Environmental Land Management schemes. New crops may also become viable as a result of climate change and the potential landscape impacts of these should be considered.
  • Link up fragmented areas of Culm grassland to improve habitat connectivity, resilience to climate change, and to contribute to nature recovery networks, utilising hedgerows and hedge banks as habitat corridors and creating new ones where appropriate.
  • Restore lost or degraded lengths of hedgerows to reinforce medieval field patterns, contribute to ecological networks, and to limit agricultural run-off into the stream valleys.
  • Plan for the long-term restoration of the more prominent conifer plantations to a mosaic of mixed productive woodlands and open habitats, including re-creating Culm grasslands and other semi-natural habitats within open rides and on areas of wet ground. Pursue opportunities to enhance access and recreation opportunities within the plantations.
  • Implement Devon Local Nature Partnership's 'Right Place, Right Tree' principles in new tree/woodland planting, aiming to create a balance of climate-resilient native species appropriate to the local landscape. Avoid planting in locations where there would be an adverse impact on the special qualities of the landscape, including attractive vistas and characteristically open areas.
  • Ensure future residential development is carefully sited and designed in accordance with sustainable development principles.
  • Any new development should utilise local vernacular materials and building styles wherever possible, whilst pursuing low carbon/sustainable credentials.
  • Where possible, mitigate existing poorly sited/designed development. Avoid linear development along ridgelines in prominent locations.
  • Develop a network of green spaces and green sustainable infrastructure links to support future population growth in nearby settlements (including Holsworthy and Bradworthy), integrating development into the landscape and providing local spaces for access and recreation.
  • Sustainably manage and enhance recreational activities and land uses. Seek a balance between encouraging access and reconnection with the landscape whilst retaining its rural and tranquil qualities.
  • Strengthen the landscape's resilience to climate change, including through planting along watercourses to enhance water storage capacity in times of drought, and flood prevention during episodes of high rainfall.
  • Ensure future energy and telecoms infrastructure including masts and renewable energy installations are sited in appropriate locations and consider landscape and visual effects (including cumulative effects), especially on south facing slopes and areas of high ground which are favorable for solar and wind development.


DCA 66 Western Culm Plateau (PDF, 1 MB)


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