Devon Character Areas
DCA 38: Lundy

Vegetated slopes and rocky coves on the east coast of the island.
Contextual description
This Devon Character Area (DCA) covers Lundy - a small (approximately 1km by 5km), flat-topped island located around 18km off the North Devon coast in the Bristol Channel. Its coastal edges are defined by dramatic cliffs which are exposed to the wind and waves of the Atlantic Ocean to the west, whilst the eastern side is more sheltered. The island forms an important focal point in views from the North Devon, Pembrokeshire and Gower coastlines. Lundy falls within Torridge District and is defined as its own Heritage Coast. It is owned by the National Trust and managed under a lease by the Landmark Trust.
Link to National Character Areas and Constituent Landscape Character Types
Constituent LCTs: 6 Offshore Islands
The island forms Lundy National Character Area (NCA 159).
Summary character description
Lundy is an isolated and unique place, surrounded by and dominated by the ever-changing sea. Remote and undeveloped, it is a 'sanctuary' away from the mainland. Its seascapes are dramatic, with sheer cliffs rising out of the water, battered into dramatic shapes by the force of the Atlantic breakers. The desolate, windswept moorland is alive with the sounds of crashing waves and the cries of the sea birds. The island's remoteness from 21st century life, and its sense of changelessness is enhanced by the extraordinary richness of its history. These historic sites provide a tangible link with the island's past, stretching as far back as prehistoric times.

Marisco Tavern in distinctive grey granite vernacular, with the square tower of St Helens Church behind.
Distinctive characteristics
- A flat-topped island (the largest in the Bristol Channel) formed primarily of Tertiary granite, with exposed Devonian slates along the south-east peninsula. Intrusions by vertical dykes reveal the island's volcanic past.
- Spectacular cliffs reaching over 100 metres, with small streams cascading down the cliff face.
- West coast battered by the waves and winds of the Atlantic, resulting in a rugged, exposed coastline with features including the Devil's Limekiln sea cave. The eastern side of the island is more sheltered with vegetated slopes and secluded rocky coves.
- Vegetation strongly influenced by maritime conditions and exposure to prevailing winds, with coastal grassland and scrub with sparse, stunted trees in the Millcombe valley and along parts of the east coast.
- Nationally important cliff-top habitats including heath and maritime grasslands with unique flora and fauna, including the endemic Lundy cabbage.
- Northern half of the plateau characterised by unenclosed heath and acid grassland, grazed by feral Soay sheep, goats, Lundy ponies and Sika deer.
- Small-scale in-bye fields in the centre and south of the island are enclosed by grey granite stone walls forming square fields.
- Supports seasonal colonies of seabirds, including Manx shearwaters, guillemots, razorbills, shags, gulls, storm petrels, and the emblematic puffin.
- A landscape of great time depth with a rich history and a concentration of nationally important archaeological sites, old granite buildings and legends of the island's chequered past.
- Village clustered at the south of the island with a unifying grey granite vernacular including the prominent 19th century church of St Helen. Granite stone also used in various other buildings across the island (many of which are listed) including the early 19th century lighthouse ('Old Light') and Tibbett's Hill lookout.
- An important seascape feature, visible from all along the North Devon coast, the tower of St Helens Church and old lighthouse forming prominent vertical elements above the plateau.
- The appearance and clarity of the island varies markedly in different weather conditions.
- Very high levels of tranquillity and dark night skies across the whole island.
- A unique cultural identity defined by a small close-knit working community, far removed from 21st century influences and with strong senses of isolation, self-sufficiency and spirituality.
Special qualities and features
A 'jewel in the view' and focal point in the wider seascape; key to the maritime settings of the North Devon Coast Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), Exmoor National Park, Gower AONB and Pembrokeshire Coast National Park.
Nationally and internationally important coastal and marine habitats host a diverse range of species, including seabirds, seals and the endemic Lundy cabbage.
Most of the island (apart from the small farmed area in the south) is designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest for its maritime habitats and seal and sea bird colonies.
The waters surrounding the island are within a Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ), specifically for the protection of the spiny lobster Palinurus elephas.
The coasts and surrounding waters of the island are designated as Special Areas of Conservation for their outstanding offshore reef system.
Over 40 Scheduled Monuments covering ritual, industrial and defensive sites including Bronze Age burial mounds; early Christian inscribed standing stones; remains of the 13th century Maresco Castle and 19th century quarries and gun emplacements. To the east of the island are two Protected Wreck sites of Iona II and Gull Rock.
A highly popular destination for visitors, offering a range of experiences and recreational activities both above and below the water, including birdwatching, walking, 'Lundy letterboxing', climbing, diving, kayaking, paddle-boarding and snorkel trips.
Informal paths and extensive access land enable visitors to explore the island.
The island is designated as a Dark Sky Discovery Site and is one of the few remaining locations where views of shooting stars and the Milky Way can be seen.
Long, uninterrupted panoramic views across Bideford Bay to the North Devon coast, and northwards to South Wales.
Island at the mercy of the elements, and defined by the ever-present influence of the sea - offers a challenging and exhilarating 'wilderness' experience to visitors from the mainland.
Truly unique, with unrivalled levels of peace, tranquillity and dark night skies - a breathtaking sanctuary.

Coastal heathland and maritime grasslands are of national importance for nature conservation.

The quay and access road at the south of the island, with Lundy South Lighthouse perched in a prominent position on an outcrop extending from the main island.
Forces for change and their landscape implications
Past and current
- Fluctuations in numbers of grazing animals (as a result of changing changing agricultural policies) resulting in episodes of overgrazing by sheep, goats and deer; rabbit numbers are often also very high, although occasionally knocked back to very low levels by myxomatosis.
- Spread of rhododendron, particularly along the east coast, affecting the island's biodiversity; ongoing clearance to manage the species with the aim of eradication by 2025.
- Use of fencing - rather than traditional granite - to repair stone walls, changing the landscape character.
- Visitor pressure (up to 20,000 visitors per year) and resultant erosion of popular walking routes, increased wildlife disturbance and impact on tranquillity.
- Increased number of jet skiers travelling to and around the island, intermittently breaking levels of tranquillity and also raising concerns about wildlife disturbance.
- The access road from the quay to the village forms a prominent man-made feature on the south-eastern coastline.
- Arrival of some visitors by helicopter impacting on tranquillity, although these are low in frequency and duration.
- Recovery of seabird populations following the eradication of rats from the island, with the increased sight and sound of birds positively contributing to the valued naturalistic qualities of the island.
- Ongoing pressure from increasing number of visitors, leading to increased erosion, incidences of wildlife disturbance and impact on tranquillity, and potentially requiring additional infrastructure.
- Uncertain levels of income for the Landmark Trust following the Covid-19 pandemic, potentially impacting on funds available for island conservation.
- Potential reduction in numbers of grazing animals (as a result of uncertainty over agricultural funding and support) leading to a loss/decline in coastal grassland and heathland habitats and their associated species.
- Potential sea level rise and increased rate of coastal erosion as a result of climate change, leading to cliff instability, more frequent landslides, the 'squeeze' of coastal habitats and potential loss of cliff-top archaeology, as well as the potential future erosion of the landing quay and access road.
- Impacts of climate change on the island's unique habitats and species, including an increased prevalence of pests, diseases and invasive species.
- Demand for offshore renewables, particularly wind farms and tidal energy schemes, impacting on Lundy's special qualities, and views to and from the island.

Overgrazing by Soay sheep, as well as ponies, goats and rabbits is an ongoing management issue on the island.
Landscape guidelines
- Protect the undeveloped, open and isolated character of Lundy.
- Protect the island's dramatic seascapes, with their expansive views across the open sea to the North Devon and South Wales coasts.
- Protect the island's special role in as a seascape feature in views from the sea and from the North Devon coast, with Old Light and St Helena's church tower standing out as landmark features.
- Protect the characteristic vernacular of buildings constructed from grey Lundy granite, ensuring building repairs and restoration are sympathetically undertaken using the same materials and building styles where possible. Keep visitor signage and infrastructure to a minimum to protect the island's special character.
- Protect, sensitively manage and - where appropriate - restore the landscape's rich and varied archaeological heritage, including through the careful monitoring of grazing and access levels.
- Protect the ecologically-rich offshore reefs which surround the island.
- Manage the island's nationally important coastal heathland, maritime grassland and wetland habitats and unique species (such as the Lundy cabbage), ensuring grazing levels by domestic, feral and wild animals are controlled at appropriate levels.
- Manage (and restore where necessary) the distinctive granite stone wall field boundaries around Lundy's in-bye land, seeking to reinstate lengths where fencing is currently used for stock protection.
- Manage characteristic areas of stunted woodland in the Millcombe Valley and along parts of the east coast, continuing to control and eradicate invasive species such as rhododendron and protecting sensitive areas from grazing damage.
- Manage agriculture on the island, ensuring that the menu at the Tavern continues to strongly feature Lundy produce as an important source of income.
- Manage visitor numbers to minimise damage to fragile habitats and important historic assets, and attain a sustainable balance between conservation and recreational interests, ensuring the special qualities of the island are retained.
- Plan for the impacts of a changing climate on Lundy's coastline, allowing natural processes to take place wherever practical.
- Use existing interpretation spaces to explain how the impacts of climate change are likely to affect the island and its surrounding seascape.
- Plan for the potential demand for offshore energy developments in the surrounding waters, so that these can be sited in appropriate locations and their landscape, seascape and visual impacts minimised.
- Explore opportunities to restore/enhance coastal heath and maritime grassland habitats to return them to favourable condition. Increase the diversity of habitats for the benefit of biodiversity and to improve resilience to climate change.
- Utilise the new Environmental Land Management Schemes and other initiatives (as they emerge) to manage and enhance the wildlife interest of the farmed landscape and contribute to nature recovery networks
- Promote sustainable tourism through education/raising awareness/engagement activities and through enforcement of the visitor Code of Conduct.