Listed Building Consent
Any works likely to affect the character or appearance of the listed building (this would normally include works to demolish, alter or extend a listed building) MUST obtain 'Listed Building Consent' from the Local Planning Authority.

Such an application is similar to a normal planning application, except that different forms are necessary and no fee is payable. All applications are advertised in the local press and notice is displayed on or near the site in question. The Local Planning Authority are then obliged to take account of any representations received.
When considering an application for Listed Building Consent, the Local Planning Authority is required to have regard to preserving the building as far as possible. Presumption will always be in favour of preservation except where a strong case can be made for such alteration especially where demolition is involved, when the final decision to approve must be made by the Secretary of State.
Be Advised :
It is a criminal offence to carry out works for the demolition or alteration of a Listed Building without first obtaining consent. In some cases the penalty for this may be up to 12 months imprisonment, fine of an unlimited amount or both.