Using interactive mapping
Navigating the web map
The interactive map can be navigated using the mouse to click and drag the map view to the desired location. To zoom in and out of the view, you can use the wheel on your mouse or the plus and minus buttons in the bottom right of the map screen. As you zoom in to an area, the OS base mapping will automatically change to the most appropriate scale to provide as much detail as possible.

The bookmarks button in the top right of the screen displays a list of pre-set links to enable to you jump to specific sites on the map. You are also able to create your own bookmarks and use one of these to set your own home location on the map, these bookmarks will remain in the list stored as a 'cookie'.

The search bar at the top of the map page will allow you to zoom to an address within Torridge. Simply start typing the address and a drop down will appear with 4 addresses that match. To expand this list, you can click the 'More' button or continue typing to narrow down the search. Simply click on the desired address to zoom to that spot on the map. You can use the clear button or the cross to close the menu.