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Councillors and Officers gather at Riverbank House to raise the Commonwealth Flag

Commonwealth 25

Commonwealth Day marks the beginning of a week-long series of events and activities around the globe. On Monday 10th March, Torridge Councillors and Officers gathered at Riverbank House to raise the Commonwealth Flag with Councillor Doug Bushby, Chair of Torridge District Council leading the event.

The Commonwealth represents over 2.5 billion people or about a third of the world's population, and almost a quarter of the world in size. It remains a voluntary association of independent and equal sovereign states constituted by the London Declaration of 1949 as the Commonwealth of Nations but continues to be open for any country to join.

Commonwealth Day is an opportunity to reaffirm our shared commitment to the principles of unity, peace, and equality. This year's theme, 'Together We Thrive', encapsulates the strength of the Commonwealth Family - a network of nations working together to uplift all citizens and build a future defined by opportunity and resilience.

Councillor Doug Bushby - Chair of Torridge District Council said:

"This year's theme, "Together We Thrive," reminds us that we are stronger when united. The Commonwealth has evolved over the years, but its foundations are firmly rooted in shared values such as prosperity, democracy, peace, and mutual respect. This core principle of the Commonwealth is especially relevant today, as conflicts continue to occur around the world."

Mar 25

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