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Equality Scheme: 2020-2024

5: Delivering Equality

Community Safety Partnership

Working with other public bodies to consider wider issues, such as crime prevention and anti-social behaviour, working together to improve the quality of life for residents.

Council Meetings

Ensure accessibility of Council meetings and events by using venues that are accessible wherever possible. There is a hearing loop installed in Bideford Town Hall. A lift is also available making all floors accessible.

Customer Hub

Torridge's customer hub at Riverbank House was designed with full accessibility and includes hearing loop facilities and disabled toilet facilities.


We take steps to make all information as accessible and as easy to read as possible and we provide alternative methods of communication when required, including large print letters, telephone calls, visits, translations.

Council Tax Assistance

Providing financial assistance for those in need of help towards the cost of Council Tax.

Affordable Housing

Assistance with applications to the 'Devon Home Choice' housing register

Disabled Facilities Grants

Available to assist with the cost of improving access to, and facilities within properties (e.g. stair lifts, ramps etc.)

Car Parks

The Council provides 55 spaces in its public car parks dedicated for the use of disabled residents and visitors

Accessible Toilets

Public toilets across the district include facilities for disabled users

Waste & Recycling

We provide assisted collections to those unable to comply with the requirements of our kerbside collections

Armed Forces Covenant

The Council are committed to signing to this pledge to acknowledge and understand that those who serve or who have served in the armed forces, and their families, should be treated with fairness and respect in the communities, economy and society they serve with their lives.

Dementia Awareness

Some customer facing officers have had dementia champion training

Pay Parity

The council monitors male/female pay differentials and the difference between the salary of the Chief Executive and the lowest grade of pay in the Council.

Taking Complaints Seriously

The Council has a robust complaints process in place to ensure that complainants are treated with courtesy and complaints are investigated fully and promptly

Disability Awareness

Consideration is given to disabled facilities as part of the development process for new projects

Encouraging Whistleblowers

Employees can confidentially disclose their concerns about apparent wrong doings such as fraud, malpractice, breach of any health and safety law, or any other illegal act, either on the part of management or by fellow employees. The Council seeks to protect a person's identity when they raise a concern and do not want their name to be disclosed.

Providing Apprentice Opportunities

The Council supports members of our community to help them gain skills and knowledge in a specific role.

Tackling Hate Crimes

Through the Community Safety Partnership we monitor hate crime and coordinate awareness raising and targeted actions.

Stopping Domestic Abuse

The Council have signed-up to GMB's Work to Stop Domestic Abuse Employment Charter. More than 270 staff are protected by the charter.

Westward Ho! Slipway

Extending the slipway to improve access and to ensure our Blue Flag beach can be enjoyed by all.

Torridge Website

Our website content follows web-accessibility standards, including access keys, screen readers, changeable font sizes, and links to the Aids Trust). Our website can be translated into many different languages

Equality and Information Support

Our website provides a list of information and support (both local and national) relating to the protected characteristics.

Torridge District Council seeks to provide a diverse range of support to local communities, financially and through the provision of information, advice and guidance.

The 4 year Community Grants Scheme concluded in 2019/20. A further £74,000 was allocated for local projects, taking the 4 year total to over £1Million used to deliver important funds to local communities. In 2019/20 a further 20 diverse, successful projects benefited from the scheme. Some of the beneficiaries of the grants are listed below:

  • Milton Damerel Landing Lights
  • Appledore Community Hall 
  • Friends of Buckland Brewer School 
  • North Devon Display Gymnastics Club 
  • St Giles Skittle Alley 
  • Northam Lions Football Club
  • Men's Shed
  • Torrington Commons Parks 
  • Holsworthy Youth Club 
  • Allardice Hall 
  • Luffincott & Tetcott Parish Council
  • Northam Care Trust  

The Councillor Community Grant Scheme enables individual Ward members to support projects benefiting residents in their Wards. Councillors can join up with other ward Councillors to support a wider project, and can choose to award the whole of their budget to one project, or break the fund down into smaller grants to different projects.

In 2019/20 personal Councillor Grants of £2,000 each where again available,amounting to a further £72,000 being distributed to local communities

Citizen's Advice Bureau (CAB)

The Council assists the CAB with core funding of £38,310. This local Charity provides free, independent, confidential and impartial advice on all subjects to members of the local community that require it. They aim to ensure that no-one suffers through lack of knowledge of the rights, responsibilities, and services available to them, or through any inability to express their needs effectively.

Holsworthy Rural Community Transport Association

The Council assists the organisation to meet its running costs with a grant of £3,250.  Access to services is a real issue for the most vulnerable in rural Devon and the council is keen to assist in providing a level playing field for all.

Taw and Torridge Voluntary Services (TTVS)

TTVS has been representing and supporting the voluntary and community sector in Torridge since 1988 and the Council has provides a core grant of £16,900 to TTVS to help vulnerable people with day-to-day living and to help community groups start, grow and survive against a backdrop of shrinking funds.  TTVS are in contact with over 380 voluntary and community groups, who can access a range of services and support as well as opportunities to meet and network with other organisations through events. Their Volunteer Centre has over 2,000 registered volunteers and can offer hundreds of rewarding volunteering placements for individuals who want to get involved within their communities. TTVS also provides services to hundreds of carers, young carers and older people through dedicated projects.

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