Discover Bideford: Regeneration Strategy & 'Love Bideford' Campaign

The town of Bideford took a significant step towards its regeneration goals when it unveiled a comprehensive Regeneration Strategy through the Discover Bideford website in the spring of 2023. Simultaneously, a vibrant promotional campaign called 'Love Bideford' was launched, featuring eye-catching displays at bus stops, street furniture, and flags strategically placed throughout the town. This campaign aims were to guide both residents and visitors towards the Discover Bideford website, which serves as the ultimate digital resource for all things Bideford whilst bringing even more colour to the heart of the town.
The 'Love Bideford' campaign is an exciting in-town initiative that combines traditional and digital advertising methods to highlight the key elements that make Bideford's community strong and vibrant. From its diverse range of independent shops and speciality markets to its delightful dining scene, unique heritage, thriving arts and crafts scene, and an impressive events program, the campaign showcases the town's many attractions. Featuring an impactful colour palette of vibrant blue and purple, the campaign captures the town's creative personality and deep connection to the water while raising awareness of the Discover Bideford website.
The Discover Bideford website was launched with a goal of creating a comprehensive online platform that celebrates everything there is to love about this riverside town. Prior to the website's launch, Bideford lacked an active digital presence, resulting in many of its activities and events going unnoticed. The Discover Bideford website has been positioned as the go-to digital hub for finding information about events and activities in the town, which busienesses can join for free to advertise their offering or special events.
A regeneration board was formed when Bideford was selected as one of eight coastal and market towns in Devon to receive support from Devon County Council's Urban Renewal Programme. The Regeneration Board, consisting of key stakeholders such as the Bideford Bridge Trust, TTVS, Bideford College, community and youth representatives, and officials from Bideford Town Council, Torridge District Council, and Devon County Council, has been tasked with overseeing and directing the various regeneration projects for the town. The board's primary objective is to unlock growth, enhance the vibrancy of the town, and facilitate future funding opportunities.
You can join in with this exciting transformation and explore all that the town has to offer by visiting Access the Bideford Regeneration Strategy, provide feedback, and get involved at