Community Projects
We want to hear about potential plans and projects for your communities. Occasionally, TDC will receive planning applications for housing in and around your communities which have potential to come with financial contributions. When this happens, organisations and local councils need to have projects that are ready to go. Please have a look through our open space/built facility guidance and then complete the community projects suggestion form which can be stored by the Economic Development Team at TDC. If you have any questions, please email

S106 Contributions explained
GI Requirements (Policy DM10) | Type of Provision | Primary Purpose* |
Play Space Child | Provision for young children - LEAP (TDC follows Fields in Trust Guidance) | Areas designed primarily for play and social interaction involving children, such as equipped play areas, nature trails ............or similar schemes |
Play Space Youth | Provision for young people - NEAP (TDC follows Fields in Trust Guidance) | Areas designed primarily for play and social interaction involving young people, such ball courts, skateboard areas and teenage shelters or similarly schemes |
Combined Parks, Sport and Recreational Grounds | Parks and Gardens | Accessible, high-quality opportunities for informal recreation (lakes, ponds, lidos, woodland, flower beds, shrubs, ornamental trees, play spaces, toilets, cafes and car parks but not necessarily all of these) and community events. |
Outdoor Sports Facilities | To enable participation in outdoor sports, such as
| |
Natural and semi-natural green spaces, including urban woodland | Wildlife conservation, biodiversity and environmental education and awareness. | |
Amenity green space | Opportunities for informal activities close to home or work or enhancement of the appearance of residential or other areas. | |
Green Corridors | Walking, cycling or horse riding, whether for leisure pursuits or travel, and opportunities for wildlife migration. | |
Allotments | Allotments, community gardens and urban farms | Opportunities for those people who wish to grow their own produce as part of the long term promotion of sustainability, health and social inclusion. |
*Aspects defined further in TDC Local Plan
Built facilities
S106 Contributions Explained
Policy ST23 | Type of Provision | Primary Purpose* |
Sports Facilities | Indoor sports facilities (built facilities) such as Indoor Swimming Pools and Sports Halls | To enable participation in indoor sports, such as badminton, swimming and gymnastics. |
Artificial Grass Pitch (AGP) | To enable team sports (such as football/rugby) participation on an outdoor but all year round facility | |
Community Facilities | Community, Village and Church Halls | To enable participation in community activities, clubs and societies. |
*Aspects defined further in TDC Local Plan
Other consideration
Public Art | Public Art may include such provision as murals and water features and commissioned design features in walls, paving or signage | Raising the quality of life by raising the quality of the environment through permanently enhancing the function, character or appearance of the area. | |
Town Centre Improvement and Public Realm |
| To support a well designed, easily maintained and inclusive street scape in town centres that provides a prosperous, vibrant and safe environment for the shoppers, visitors, businesses and the wider community. |