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The Local Development Scheme (LDS) sets out the Council's commitment to the production of development plan documents. It also sets out the resources available for the production of the referenced documents and the risks associated with their preparation in respect of programmed delivery.

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The LDS has been produced to give local residents and other interested parties information on Local Development Documents the Councils are currently preparing, as well as those planned and the timetable for the stages of document progression and adoption.

The timetable generally looks ahead for the next three years and is reviewed regularly to take account of any change in circumstances. Within the Local Development Scheme you will find:

  • information on the documents that will make up the development plan;
  • a timetable for the preparation of the documents; and
  • information about other related planning documents.

The Current Timetable

The current Local Development Scheme, was agreed at a meeting of the Joint Planning Policy Committee on 28th January 2022:

Local Development Scheme (March 2022) (PDF, 570 KB)

The key milestones for the update to the Local Plan, as part of the People and Place Project, are summarised below:

Issues and preferred options consultationNovember 2022
Draft Local Plan consultationNovember 2023
Publication Local Plan consultationJune 2024
Submission to the Planning InspectorateNovember 2024
Examination hearingsApril 2025 
Adoption December 2025

Previous Versions

The original Local Development Scheme was endorsed in April 2005, with a revision agreed by the North Devon and Torridge District Councils in 2009, and a further draft agreed by Torridge District Council in June 2014, the documents are provided below:Historic Local Development Schemes

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