Hackney Carriage Demand Study
The Council commissioned its latest study into demand for hackney carriage ('taxi') services in Torridge District in 2022.
Torridge District Council currently restricts the number of taxi licences it issues. By law, a Council may only restrict licence numbers if it is satisfied that there is no unmet demand for taxi services in its area. Councils generally test the level of demand by carrying out a professional, independent survey based on rank observations and public consultation. The Department for Transport recommends that surveys are conducted at regular intervals in order to provide up to date, accurate data.
The Council commissioned CTS traffic and transportation, a firm with many years experience in the transport arena, to undertake the study. CTS produced its final report in October 2022 and this was presented to the Council's Licensing Committee on 30 November 2022. The key finding of the report was that there was no significant unmet demand for hackney carriage services in Torridge District. Therefore, the Committee resolved to maintain the current restriction on taxi licences.
The limit remains unchanged at 49 licences. The policy will be reviewed again in three years' time or sooner if there is any evidence of potential unmet demand.
A copy of the full report can be downloaded by clicking on the icon on the right.