Housing and Employment Study & Employment Land Review
Title: Housing and Employment Study
Author: GL Hearn
Date: April 2014
Torridge District Council and North Devon Council jointly commissioned GL Hearn to prepare a report to inform the preparation of a North Devon and Torridge Local Plan. The report considers population, housing market and economic dynamics across the northern Devon area and the interactions between the housing market and economy.
The report is intended to inform the development of future planning policy with the ambition of ensuring a sustainable approach to development. The focus of this report is to critically review the factors and trends underpinning future demographic and economic change, the interplay between them and the need and demand for housing and employment over the period from 2011-31. It presents and evaluates a number of potential growth scenarios for housing and employment across the area.
Housing and Employment Study (PDF, 1 MB)
Appendix – Demographic Projections Methodology and Outputs (PDF, 711 KB)
Title: Employment Land Review
Author: GL Hearn
Date: April 2014
North Devon Council and Torridge District Council jointly commissioned GL Hearn to prepare an Employment Land Review (ELR) to inform the development of policies for employment land within the Council's emerging Local Plan.
The report considers the need for employment land over the plan period to 2031 and considers the portfolio of employment land for development over this period. It is intended to provide the Councils with up to date information on employment land and provides a suitable and robust evidence base that will inform the development of the new Local Plan.
The Employment Land Review Update provides:
- An analysis of the scale and nature of demand for employment land and premises, taking account of economic forecasts/aspirations, local business needs, property market dynamics and changes in the population/demographic structure to 2031;
- A review of existing employment land provision, including assessment of the quality/suitability of current sites as well as allocated employment land and potential allocations proposed in the Councils Consultation draft Local Plan (Jan 2013);
- Assessment of the supply/demand balance for employment land in quantitative and qualitative terms and advice on the appropriate 'portfolio' of employment sites to take forward to meet future business needs.