Heritage Hub - Conservation websites and Conservation Area Maps
The Historic England website is very comprehensive and offers a wealth of information about the heritage environment .
Historic England holds information about Listed Buildings and their reason for being listed including what criteria is used to select them.
Assessing Heritage Significance
As part of applications affecting listed buildings there is a requirement to receive a Statement of Significance or Heritage Statement which should assess the heritage value of the asset (listed building or ancient monument and their settings) and quantify how the proposal will impact upon this value. This is set out on Pages 57 & 58 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2023 please see link on this page.
Historic England has produced this useful document in relation to conservation principles policies and guidance. Conservation Principles, Policies and Guidance (opens in new tab).
Devon Based Groups and Useful Websites such as the following can be located on the links section of this page:
Devonshire Association, Devon History Society, GENUKI, Devon Buildings Group, Beaford Archive, Historic Buildings in the British Isles, National Archives and Local Records