Wind Turbine Map
An interactive map of all wind turbine planning applications and appeals in the district

A new map has been produced to show the individual locations of all wind turbine planning applications within the Torridge District Council boundary.
What does it show?
- All planning statuses - Permitted, Refused, Withdrawn and Pending
- All appeal statuses - Allowed, Dismissed, Pending and Withdrawn
- The label 'Operating' if we know the turbine is now operational
- Important details about the application (including a link to the application on our Planning Public Access website)
How to use the map:
Use the map like you would with a normal Google map - scroll the mouse wheel to zoom in and out (or pinch if using tablet device) and drag the map to move around. You can also turn different layers on and off using the layers selector at the top of the map. Click on a point to show more details of the planning application / appeal with the option to click on a link to view all the application documents directly on our website.
Please note:
This map is best viewed on up to date web browsers - Internet Explorer 9+, Chrome and Firefox. If you have trouble viewing the map you may need to update your browser software. The map is currently being produced on a trial basis, it may be removed without notice.
Last Updated: January 2016