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Have your say! - Gatefield Community Woodland Consultation

Torridge District Council has announced proposals to establish a community woodland, at Gatefield amenity grassland on the Londonderry Estate in Bideford.


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Good governance requires local authorities to ensure that they have the structures and processes in place for good management, good performance, and good stewardship of public money. Procedures should also encompass good public engagement, and ultimately, good outcomes for the people of Torridge and other service users. To achieve this the Council uses performance management monitoring, risk management processes and other internal controls.

These arrangements are set out in the Local Code of Corporate Governance and are reviewed annually. The Annual Governance Statement is published with the Accounts to confirm that arrangements have been reviewed and that they provide assurance that all controls were operating. It also identifies any opportunities for improvement to controls. Copies of the the Local Code of Governance and Annual Governance Statement are available on the right.


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