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Draft Housing Strategy

The Council has prepared a draft Housing Strategy and would like to invite you to have your say.

The purpose of the Housing Strategy is to set out a high-level vision and objectives as to how the Council plans to try and meet the housing needs and aspirations of our communities. It will guide the Council's activities over the next five years in delivering and discharging its housing functions and responsibilities. It is a corporate strategy that intends to ensure that resources and efforts are best directed to tackle the housing challenges facing the area. 

The draft Strategy has been prepared in full consultation with elected Members who have been involved through a dedicated workshop and various briefings and feedback sessions.

The Council recognises the value of gaining different perspectives and insights from our partners, local communities and other interested parties. The draft strategy was therefore available for wider consultation for a period of eight weeks from Friday 13th December 2024 to Friday 7th February 2025

Draft Housing Strategy (PDF, 707 KB)

The Council will look to carefully consider all of the comments that have been received during the consultation period and will update the Strategy as necessary and appropriate to reflect feedback. The revised draft, along with the feedback received, will be considered by Councillors before the final version of the strategy being adopted and published.

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