Have Your Say
We offer a wide range of opportunities to get involved in the formulation of planning policy, including the preparation of the local plan and supporting guidance:

North Devon Council and Torridge District Council have embarked on the People and Place project which will empower our local communities to play a key role in shaping the future of northern Devon through a review of the Local Plan. This will include a host of opportunities to get involved.
Statement of Community Involvement (SCI): provides information on how the community can have their say on the preparation of the Local Plan and major planning applications.
Consultation Portal: an online consultation portal with opportunities to get involved or have your say via the internet. The consultation portal offers various ways to get involved in the preparation of planning policy documents. You are able to view and download documents, submit your comments online, fill out surveys and take part in debates via online forums.
People and Place Project - 31st March - 29th April 2022
Get involved in shaping the future of northern Devon:
- Find out more by visiting our dedicated portal.
- complete our community survey.
- comment on our approach to opportunities to get involved through a consultation on our draft Statement of Community Involvement (SCI).
Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) - 31st March - 29th April 2022
Help us identify and assess land that might have the potential for future development:
- Submit details of a potential site.
- Comment on the draft methodology.
- Register your interest to sit on a stakeholder panel to help review sites.
Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) - 31st March - 13th May 2022
Have your say on our draft planning guidance on affordable housing.
Planning Applicaion Validation List - 31st March - 13th May 2022
Comment on the draft planning application validation checklist that sets out what information and documentation is required to be submitted in support of a planning application.