Temporary Event Notices
A temporary event notice is required for a one off or occasional event if it involves licensable activities.

You will need to apply for a permitted temporary event notice (TEN) if either of the following apply:
- you wish to lawfully carry out licensable activities at premises which do not have a premises licence or club premises certificate
- the activity or the times at which it is to be carried out are not specified on an existing premises licence or club premises certificate
How to apply
You must give at least 10 working days' notice for a standard temporary event notice. This does not include the day of the event or the day the notice is received by the licensing authority. The Police and Environmental Health have a period of three working days from when they are given the notice to object to it on the basis of any of the four licensing objectives.
Although ten clear working days is the minimum possible notice that must be given, we would encourage you, where to possible, to apply at least 28 days in advance of your event.
Late TENs
In exceptional circumstances, you can apply for a Late Temporary Event Notice. These are intended to assist premises users who are required for reasons outside their control to, for example, change the venue at short notice. They can be given up to 5 working days but no earlier than 9 working days before the event. If a late TEN is objected to by either the Police or Environmental Health, there is no appeal process and the event will not be permitted to go ahead.
A late TEN given less than 5 working days before the event will be returned as void, and the activities to which it relates will not be authorised.
To apply, you will need to:
- check that the event premises is in the Torridge District Council area - Find Your Council (opens in new tab)
- read the guidance notes on temporary event notices (PDF, 145 KB)
- complete the application form
- pay the appropriate application fee. This fee is to cover the processing of the application and is non-refundable in the event that the notice is withdrawn, invalid or subject to a counter notice.
If you don't want to apply online, you can download a TEN application form (PDF, 240 KB) to complete, and send it back to us. Please note that cash payments are not accepted.
Contact us
If you have any queries, or require help with your application, please contact the Licensing Team.
- email: licensing@torridge.gov.uk
- phone: 01237 428700
- post: Licensing Team, Torridge District Council, Riverbank House, Bideford EX39 2QG