Landlords - working with Torridge District Council

Are you a landlord looking to rent out a property in or near to Bideford or Torrington at a competitive rent, hassle free and with very little risk?
You could lease your property to the Council for up to 4 years.
Benefits include:
- A competitive rental income, paid monthly in advance and guaranteed for the duration of the lease - even if the property is empty
- No letting agent or management fees, as the Council finds a suitable tenant and manages the property
- No liability for Council Tax or utilities if the property is empty, as the Council will cover these costs
- No expense or hassle resulting from a tenant causing damage (accidental or otherwise), as the Council will arrange and pay for these repairs
- A guarantee that the property will be returned to you in the same condition it was leased (excluding fair wear and tear)
- Guaranteed vacant possession at the end of the lease
As well as looking for landlords to lease properties to us, we also help landlords across the district to find suitable tenants, paying the deposit and rent in advance to minimise delay in letting the property.
If you are interested in either option for your property, please email