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Noisy neighbour found guilty and fined in Magistrates Court

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Torridge District Council environmental health and legal officers have seen another case of Noise Abatement through to a successful conclusion at Exeter Magistrates Court.

The Court found Ms Jane Reynolds, a resident of Holsworthy, guilty of breaching a Noise Abatement Notice served by Torridge District Council.

The Council was initially contacted in April 2023 by a member of the public reporting excessive loud music, loud podcasts and use of amplification equipment to broadcast singing, bible readings, protests against the government and offensive language. 

Following investigation of the complaint by officers of the Council's Environmental Protection and Community Safety Team, a Statutory Nuisance was determined.  Officers obtained evidence that the nuisance occurred frequently at excessive levels and for lengthy periods of time. 

The subsequent Abatement Notice was served on 19th May 2023.  Despite service of the Abatement Notice, Jane Reynolds failed to comply, and the nuisance continued.  Officers conducted further investigations and gathered evidence that established a breach of the Abatement Notice. 

After hearing the case, the District Judge fined Jane Reynolds £440 and ordered her to pay £176 surcharge, £500 compensation and £800 costs.  Having worked diligently on the nuisance investigation and subsequent breach of the Abatement Notice, which included reviewing 300 audio recordings, officers were satisfied with the outcome.

Staci Dorey, Head of Legal and Governance & Monitoring Officer, Torridge District Council, said:

"Despite the initial unwillingness of the defendant to cooperate and take responsibility for their actions our officers showed great determination to bring this case to another successful conclusion. It is sadly another shameful example of someone having a total disregard for their neighbours and other members of the community.   I would like to thank the witnesses for having the courage to come forward and help with the successful outcome for this case."

Members of the public can report cases of noise and/or anti-social behaviour by calling the Council on 01237 428700 or via email

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