Marine Safety Management System - Policy
The Port of Bideford, as a Statutory Harbour Authority, has a primary responsibility to facilitate the safety of navigation and associated marine operations within its Statutory Harbour Boundaries.
The Port Marine Safety Code (PMSC) requires the Port of Bideford to maintain a dedicated Marine Safety Management System (SMS), for marine operations, within the port. The Marine SMS must be based on a formal risk assessment of these operations.
Formal Risk Assessment
The Port of Bideford undertook a comprehensive risk assessment of marine operations throughout the port following the introduction of the PMSC. That risk assessment is kept under constant review and adapted as circumstance, changing trades and experience dictate. A dedicated hazard management system hosts the identified hazards to navigation and marine operations and the supporting risk control measures, that mitigate those hazards.
Maintenance of the Marine SMS
It must be appreciated that risk assessment is a dynamic and continuing process. The initial risk assessment therefore, provided the starting position from which the port's Marine SMS continues to evolve and change to the operational requirements of the port and tidal River. The system will naturally evolve as each of the hazards identified in the initial assessment is re-assessed, either routinely, or for example, following an incident which raises a doubt as to the effectiveness of a risk control measure. The scheduled review process is based on an annual basis with the individual ranked hazards being reviewed periodically, dependent upon their perceived level of risk. New hazards are also identified and assessed and included within the SMS as traffic patterns and useage changes within the port.
If you have any questions about this document please email or telephone 01237 475834.