Burglar alarms

Noise caused by frequently or continuously sounding intruder alarms can be a cause for annoyance and complaint. In most cases an alarm should cease after a relatively short period of time.
If an alarm rings unnecessarily and is established by a council officer as causing a statutory noise nuisance, the Council can take steps to silence the alarm. This may involve entering the premises by force under a warrant obtained from the Magistrate. If an alarm can be silenced without forcing entry into a property the Council is, in certain circumstances, empowered to do this without obtaining a warrant. We may recover from the householder any costs incurred in silencing an alarm and may also prosecute the householder, which can result in a fine of up to £5,000.
If you have an intruder alarm, or are planning to have one fitted to your property, it is recommended that:
The alarm system is fitted and installed to fully comply with British Standard 4737
The alarm system is maintained and operated in accordance with British Standard 4737
The alarm system is fitted with a cut-off device to operate within 20 minutes of the alarm initially sounding
Two key-holders are appointed who can act in your absence and reported to both the Council and Police
When reporting a continuously sounding alarm, please note the exact address of the property.