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Trade Union Facility Time

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Trade Union Facility Time 2021/2022

The facility time data that organisations are required to collate and publish under the new regulations is shown below. We have included tables to illustrate the information required. 

1. TU Representative

The total number of employees who were TU representatives during the relevant period.


Number of employees who were relevant union officials during the relevant period    

FTE employee number   



2. Percentage of time spent on facility time

How many employees who were TU representatives officials employed during the relevant period spent either a) 0%, b) 1%-50%, c) 51%-99% and d) 100% of their working hours on facility time.


  Percentage of time    

  Number of employees  









3. Percentage of pay bill spent on facility time

The figures requested in the first column of the table below will determine the percentage of the total pay bill spent on paying employees who were TU representatives for facility time during the relevant period.


First Column


 Provide the total cost of facility time


 Provide the total pay bill


 Provide the percentage of the total pay bill spent on facility time, calculated as:

 (total cost of facility time ÷ total pay bill) x 100



4. Paid TU activities

As a percentage of total paid facility time hours, how many hours were spent by employees who were TU representatives during the relevant period on paid TU activities.


Time spent on paid TU activities as a percentage of total paid facility time hours calculated as:

(total hours spent on paid TU activities by TU representatives during the relevant period ÷ total paid facility time hours) x 100     



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