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Scheduled Maintenance

Our Revenues and Benefits self service portal will be unavailable on Sunday 9th March from 10am until 4pm due to essential maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

How to Pay my PCN

If you need to pay for more that one PCN, please pay each of them separately.

Currency Symbol - Pound

Torridge penalty charge notices (PCNs) start with a prefix 'TC'

Pay onlineOnline payments system
Pay via Internet Banking

Sort code: 30-90-78

Account number: 29541760


Please ensure you quote the PCN number (TCxxxxxxxx) as the reference.

Pay by 24 hour phone

Call our automated touch tone telephone service on 0300 7900 215.


Credit and Debit cards accepted.

Pay by telephone (9:30am-4:00pm)

01237 428981 or 01237 428897

Pay by post

Torridge District Council

Riverbank House


EX39 2QG


Please ensure you quote the PCN number (TCxxxxxxxx).

Pay in person (9:30am-4:30pm)

Torridge District Council

Riverbank House


EX39 2QG


Cash payments are no longer accepted.


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