Food safety management systems

Food Safety legislation requires you to write down what you do and what records you keep to make sure your food is safe to eat.
Certain businesses, such as a food manufacturer, will be required to develop their own food safety management system based on the principles of hazard analysis critical control point procedures (HACCP) HACCP Guidance
For small catering or retail businesses the Food Standards Agency have developed a FREE pack called Safer Food, Better Business (SFBB) to help set up a documented food safety management system. It is made up of safe method sheets and a diary.
There are several packs available including:
- Caterers
- Retailers
- Indian Cuisine
- Chinese Cuisine
- Childminders
- Residential Care Homes
- The safe method sheets highlight things that are important to make sure food is prepared and cooked safely and asks you to write down how you do things and provide advice on what to do when things go wrong.
- The diary is signed every day to say that the safe methods have been followed. There is space to note anything different that happens or goes wrong.
Diary refills can be printed out separately if you only need that part of the pack. Diary Refill
If you are a registered food business with Torridge, you can buy a Safer Food Better Business pack or a year's diary refill from us. These prices include postage and packing
SFBB pack plus a year's diary - £14
1 year's diary refill - £5