The Local Land Charges Register and CON 29 Enquiries of the Local Authority

The Local Land Charges Register
The LLC Register held by Torridge District Council is computerised. A principal purpose of the LLC Register is to protect buyers of land and property and help ensure that they are not caught unawares by obligations that are enforceable against successive owners. The twelve Parts of the register record:
General financial charges (Part 1)
Specific financial charges (Part 2)
Planning charges (Part 3)
Miscellaneous charges (Part 4)
Fenland ways maintenance charges (Part 5)
Land compensation charges (Part 6)
New towns charges (Part 7)
Civil aviation charges (Part 8)
Opencast coal charges (Part 9)
Listed buildings charges (Part 10)
Light obstruction notices (Part 11)
Drainage scheme charges (Part 12)
Local Authority Searches
There are two types of local search commonly made of local authorities in connection with land and property transactions:
- Requisition for Search of the Local Land Charges Register, and
- the Law Society's CON 29 Enquiries of local authority (2016)
These are commonly referred to collectively as "local authority search" or "local search".
Searches of the Local Land Charges Register
Requests for an official search of the LLC Register are made using form LLC1 relating to either a search of:
- part of the LLC Register only,
- several parts of the LLC Register, or
- the whole of the LLC Register.
The Official Search Certificate will reveal LLC registrations recorded against the land or property.
The current fee for an official search of the LLC Register is £7.13.
The LLC Register can be inspected by members of the public free of charge. For information concering Personal Searches of the LLC Register and other records please click here
CON 29 Enquiries of the Local Authority (2016)
The second type of local search enquiry made of local authorities relates to enquiries about planning, highways and other matters affecting property. Local search information is an integral part of the property transaction process.
These enquiries are made by submitting conveyancing form:
· CON 29 Enquiries of local authority (2016); and
· CON 29O Optional enquiries of local authority (2016)
The questions covered in the CON 29 enquiries of local authority (2016) relate to the following :-
Q. 1.1 Planning and building decisions and pending applications
Q. 1.2 Planning designations and proposals
Q. 2.1 Roadways, footways and footpaths
Q. 2.2 Public Rights of Way
Q. 3.1 Land required for public purposes
Q. 3.2 Land to be acquired for road works
Q. 3.3 Drainage Matters
Q. 3.4 Nearby Road Schemes
Q. 3.5 Nearby railway schemes
Q. 3.6 Traffic Schemes
Q. 3.7 Outstanding Notices
Q. 3.8 Contravention of Building Regulations
Q. 3.9 Notices, Orders, Directions and Proceedings under Planning Acts
Q. 3.10 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
Q. 3.11 Conservation Area
Q. 3.12 Compulsory Purchase
Q. 3.13 Contaminated Land
Q. 3.14 Radon Gas
Q. 3.15 Assets of Community Value
The questions covered in the CON 29O Optional enquiries of local authority (2016) relate to the following :-
Q. 4 Road proposals by private bodies
Q. 5 Advertisements
Q. 6 Completion Notices
Q. 7 Parks and Countryside
Q. 8 Pipelines
Q. 9 Houses in Multiple Occupation
Q. 10 Noise Abatement
Q. 11 Urban Development Areas
Q. 12 Enterprise Zones, Local Development Orders and BIDS
Q. 13 Inner urban Improvement Areas
Q. 14 Simplified Planning Zones
Q. 15 Land maintenance Notices
Q. 16 Mineral Consultation and Safeguarding Areas
Q. 17 Hazardous Substance Consents
Q. 18 Environmental and Pollution Notices
Q. 19 Food Safety Notices
Q. 20 Hedgerow Notices
Q. 21 Flood Defence and Land Drainage Consents
Q. 22 Common land and Town or Village Green
A "Standard Search" is defined as form LLC1 (Requisition for Search of the Local Land Charges Register) plus CON 29 enquiries of local authority (2016) in respect of one parcel of land.
CON 29O enquiries may be relevant to certain property transactions and should therefore be considered on a case-by-case basis.
In addition to the CON 29/CON 29O enquiries, applicants can add questions of their own at an extra charge. The council is not under any obligation to answer "additional enquiries" and will only provide a reply if willing to do so.
To view the Council's Search Fees click here
Many of the questions contained on form CON 29 are considered to be 'warning' questions. Some of the information given in response to questions may, at the end of the process, result in a Local Land Charge.
The shelf-life of information obtained from Search enquiries is limited. The accuracy of responses to local search enquiries cannot be guaranteed beyond the date on which the responses were compiled by Torridge District Council