European Election Results - 4 June 2009
On 4 June 2009 European and County elections were held. The results of the European element of that election are listed below

Local Counting Area - Torridge
Name of Party or Independent | Number of Votes |
British National Party | 658 |
Christian Party "Proclaiming Christ's Lordship" | 258 |
Conservative Party | 6171 |
English Democrats Party | 287 |
Fair Pay Fair Trade Party | 95 |
Jury Team | 74 |
Liberal Democrats | 3214 |
Mebyon Kernow - The Party for Cornwall | 53 |
NO2EU: Yes to Democracy | 97 |
Pensioners Party | 524 |
Pro Democracy :Libertas.EU | 89 |
Socialist Labour Party | 115 |
The Green Party | 1871 |
The Labour Party | 773 |
United Kingdom Independence Party | 6600 |
Wai D | 6 |
Katie Olivia Hopkins | 320 |
The number of ballot papers rejected was as follows: | Number of Ballot Papers |
A Want of an official mark | 0 |
B Voting for more Candidates than voter was entitled to | 24 |
C Writing or mark by which voter could be identified | 0 |
D Being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty | 191 |
Rejected Votes | 215 |
Turnout | 42.51% |