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Reduce your Council Tax

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Reducing your Council Tax

In certain circumstances, you can receive a discount on your bill. For example if you live alone, or with people who don't have to pay, if you are disabled, or if your home is empty and falls under one of the qualifying criteria. 



Single Persons Discount

If you live on your own, or if all the other people in your household are under 18, you can get 25% off your Council Tax bill. It's called a 'Single Persons Discount'.

Single person's discount only applies to your main home, where you live. You can't get it for a second home.

Some people aren't counted for Council Tax.

If you live with someone who isn't counted, it may mean that you can get a Single Person Discount on your bill.

These people aren't counted for Council Tax:

  • Non-British partners or other dependants of foreign students who are not allowed to work or claim benefits.
  • Those under 20 who are still at school or have just left school.
  • Someone for whom Child Benefit is still being paid.
  • Foreign Language Assistants.
  • Long-stay hospital patients are not counted for Council Tax where they normally live.
  • Members of international headquarters and defence organisations and their dependants.
  • Members of visiting forces and their dependants.
  • People with diplomatic immunity and privileges.


Complete our online form to apply for Single Occupier Discount.

Start now (opens in new tab)

After you've applied for the discount

You must continue to pay the instalments shown on your Council Tax bill until you hear from us.

We periodically check accounts that have been granted discounts and exemptions. If we contact you to review your discount and we don't hear back from you, we will cancel it.

If your circumstances change, you must tell us within 21 days. Failure to do so may result in you being issued with a £70 penalty.

I am on a low income

Council Tax Support (also known as Council Tax Reduction) is a Scheme to help people on a low income pay their council tax bill, by reducing the amount they have to pay.

Each local Council is responsible for operating their own Scheme so the amount of support given and rules regarding the Schemes may vary across the country.

The amount of Council Tax Support you get will depend on many factors, including:

  • Your age
  • Which benefits you receive
  • Your income
  • Your savings
  • Who lives in the property with you
  • How much council tax you are charged

You can claim Council Tax Support regardless of whether you own your own home or rent, or whether you are working, unemployed or of pension age.

People who are classed as pensioners still need to pay council tax, but may be entitled to claim Council Tax Support.  If you receive the Guarantee Credit part of Pension Credit you may even get your council tax paid in full.  If you don't get Guarantee Credit but have a low income and less than £16,000 in savings, you may still get some help.

The Council Tax Support Scheme for people of pension age is calculated based on a scheme provided to all Local Authorities by Central government - Councils cannot change the principles of this Scheme. 

Exceptional Hardship Fund Policy (EHF)

The Exceptional Hardship Fund offers short term financial help to customers who are in receipt of council tax support but are struggling to pay their council tax charge.

The principles behind the policy is to help people over a 'short-term' crisis when their income does not meet 'reasonable' expenses.

Please see the EHF policy below for more information.  If you think you meet the criteria and wish to apply for additional assistance, please phone the Council on 01237 428700 and speak to an advisor who will talk this through with you.

About the Council Tax Support Scheme, for working age customers only from 01/04/2023

To read full details of our 2024/2025 Scheme, please download a copy here Torridge S13A Scheme from April 2024/25 (PDF) [1MB]

The income bands for 2024/2025 scheme are set out as shown in the table below:






Family with 1 child/young person

Family with more than 1 child/young person



Income support,

Jobseekers allowance (income based),

Employment & Support allowance (income related) and

Universal credit (no earnings)





Monthly income - Universal Credit with earnings:




£0.00 to £693.33


£0.00 to £866.66

 £0.00 to £1,222

£0.00 to £1,668




£693.34 to £866.66

£866.67 to £1,152.66

£1,222.01 to £1,482

£1,668.01 to £1,885




£866.67 to £1,066

£1,152.67 to £1,274

£1,482.01 to £1,716

£1,885.01 to £2,080





Over £1,066.01

Over £1,274.01

Over £1,716.01

Over £2,080.01

Monthly income - Prescribed Incomes as defined within paragraph 1 of schedule 1:




£0.00 to £693.33


£0.00 to £866.66

 £0.00 to £1,222

£0.00 to £1,668




£693.34 to £866.66

£866.67 to £1,152.66

£1,222.01 to £1,482

£1,668.01 to £1,885




£866.67 to £1,066

£1,152.67 to £1,274

£1,482.01 to £1,716

£1,885.01 to £2,080





Over £1,066.01

Over £1,274.01

Over £1,716.01

Over £2,080.01


For details of the 2023/2024 Scheme, please see related downloads section below.

The income bands for 2023/2024 scheme are set out as shown in the table below:






Family with 1 child/young person

Family with more than 1 child/young person



Income support,

Jobseekers allowance (income based),

Employment & Support allowance (income related) and

Universal credit (no earnings)





Monthly income - Universal Credit with earnings:





to £477

£0 to



to £1,018


to £1,603





to £693


to £867


to £1,235


to £1,820





to £888


to £1,062


to £1,430 


to £2,015






Over £1,062





Monthly income - Prescribed Incomes as defined within paragraph 1 of schedule 1:





to £477


to £650


to £,1018


to £1,603





to £693


to £867


to £1,235


to £1,820





to £888


to £1,062


to £1,430 


to £2,015






Over £1,062






Key features of the working age banded scheme:

  • Everyone should pay something.
  • All claimants will be required to pay a contribution to their council tax.  This is achieved by reducing everyone's council tax liability to 75% before any council tax support is calculated
  • Those living in larger properties will have their Council Tax Support limited to a Band D charge. This means that if you live in a band E, F, G or H the maximum award you can receive will be 75% of a band D charge in the parish you live in
  • Any household with savings in excess of £6,000 will not qualify for assistance
  • There are no deductions for any non-dependants living in the household
  • There are no applicable amounts, instead working age people will receive a % discount based on the above grid, depending on the level of income and the income band they fall into
  • Income taken into account in the calculation will be earnings from employment or self employment, working tax credits and occupational and personal pensions
  • Net earned income will be used in the calculation (gross minus tax, national insurance contributions and 50% of any pension contributions)
  • For those in employment who pay childcare, the standard childcare cost will be applied, up to £175 for one child and £300 for two or more
  • Backdating will be limited to 6 months and assessed on whether there is 'good cause' to do so

Universal Credit

For people in receipt of universal credit (UC) the following will apply:

  • Where the UC payment is worked out based on wages, we will still take the wages into account
  • Deductions from the UC award, such as advance payments, will be added back and included as income

Self Employed

Minimum income floor (MIF) will be applied to people that have been self-employed for more than 12 months and earning less than the National Minimum Wage.  The MIF is an assumed level of earnings based on what an employed person would expect to receive in similar circumstances.

This amount shall not be less than 35 hours x national minimum wage or national living wage (depending on the age of the customer).  From that there will be a deduction for tax, national insurance and 50% of a pension contribution (if applicable)

How do I claim?

Use the online form to Apply for Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Reduction

Find out how to claim or how to backdate your claim.

If there has been a reason which stopped or delayed you applying for housing benefit and/or council tax support you can ask for your claim to be 'backdated' so that it starts from an earlier date. 

 Report a change of circumstances for Housing Benefits and/or Council Tax Reduction



Related downloads

Disability relief

If your property has been adapted to meet the needs of a disabled person, we may be able to reduce your bill by putting your property into a lower Council Tax band. If your property is in the lowest band already, we may still be able to reduce your bill.

The person responsible for paying the Council Tax bill usually applies for the reduction even if they are not the disabled person. For example, the disabled person may be a child.

In order to qualify, the person with a disability must live in your home.

There must be at least one of the following features in the property:

  • A room, other than a kitchen, bathroom, or toilet used by, and for meeting the needs of, the person with a disability- e.g. a room set aside for storage of dialysis equipment.
  • An additional bathroom or kitchen used predominantly by, and for meeting the needs of, the person with the disability
  • Additional space inside the home to allow for the use of a wheelchair.

If you get a Disabled Person's Reduction, you can still apply for other discounts

You can also still apply for Council Tax Support if you have a low income.


Start now

After you've applied for the Disabled Person's Reduction

You must continue to pay the instalments shown on your Council Tax bill until you hear from us.

We periodically check accounts that have been granted discounts and exemptions.  If we contact you to review your discount and we don't hear back from you, we will cancel it.You must tell us if there is a change in your circumstances that may affect your discount. If you don't tell us you may have to pay a penalty.

You must tell us if there is a change in your circumstances that may affect your discount. If you don't tell us you may have to pay a penalty.

Carer Discount

Discount for people who are receiving care in their own home

In some circumstances, we do not count a live-in carer when adding up the number of people in a property. If just you and your carer live in your home, you may be able to get a Carer's Discount to reduce your bill by 25%.

The live-in carer must provide care for at least 35 hours a week and they must not be:

  • the partner of the person who is being cared for; or
  • the child's parent if the person being cared for is under 18.

The person being cared for must also get one of these benefits:

  • The middle or highest rate care component of Disability Living Allowance
  • Personal Independence Payment Daily Living Component at either standard or enhanced rate
  • Attendance Allowance (AA)
  • Increase in Constant Attendance Allowance under the Industrial Injuries or War Pensions scheme
  • Armed Forces Independence Payment
  • Highest rate of Constant Attendance Allowance payable on top of full rate Disablement Benefit paid for an industrial injury 


Print off the Application form (PDF) [88KB] , fill it in and return it to us:

Email - scan it and send it to us at

Post it to - Torridge District Council, Riverbank House, Bideford, Devon, EX39 2QG

Can't print the form? Call us on 01237 428900 and we'll send you one.

After you've applied for the discount

You must continue to pay the instalments shown on your Council Tax bill until you hear from us.

We periodically check accounts that have been granted discounts and exemptions.  If we contact you to review your discount and we don't hear back from you, we will cancel it.

You must tell us if there is a change in your circumstances that may affect your discount. If you don't tell us you may have to pay a penalty.

Student Discounts

You could be exempt from paying council tax if:

  • you're a full time student living in a property on your own
  • you're a full time student living in a property solely with other full time students

You could be entitled to a 25% discount on your council tax if:

  • all residents are full time students except one other adult who is not a student.
  • if two or more non-students occupy a property then there is no reduction.

In most cases, it's the people who are non-students that are liable to pay the council tax.

If any of the following circumstances apply to you, a member of your household or your property then you may able to claim a discount or exemption.

Full time students attending college or university

To qualify you must be undertaking a full-time or qualifying course at a Prescribed Educational Establishment. A full-time course is one:

  • which lasts for at least one academic year at the educational establishment concerned
  • where attendance is required for periods of at least 24 weeks in the academic year; and
  • which involves at least 21 hours a week during term time for periods of study, tuition, work experience or a combination of these.

A qualifying course is one:

  • where the person undertaking it is under 20 years of age
  • the course lasts for more than 3 months; is more than 12 hours per week; is not a course of higher education or a correspondence course and is not undertaken as a consequence of employment (I.e. day release)
  • attendance must be between 8.00am and 5.30pm

For all other educational establishments we will need to see your student certificate when you apply for a discount or an exemption.

Student nurses

Nursing and midwifery students, including those on pre-registration undergraduate courses and post-registration health visitor training, count as students. For discount purposes a student nurse means a person undertaking a course which if successfully completed, would lead to registration under the Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors Act 1997.  Student nurses taking traditional hospital based training do not count as students.

PHD Students

PHD students are exempt from Council Tax; but not for an open ended period, if they meet the criteria of a full-time student.

Foreign language assistants

To qualify you must be registered with the Central Bureau for educational visits and exchanges; and appointed in a school or other educational institution in the UK.

We will need to see the appropriate student certificate or Central Bureau registration certificate when you apply for a discount or exemption.

School and college leavers under the age of 20

An 18 or 19 year old that has left school or college after 30 April will not be included until 1 November of the same year.

To qualify, the education course must not have been any higher than A level or equivalent. If they go on to further or higher education they may continue to be eligible for a discount.

Student halls of residence

Halls of residence are exempt if they are occupied by students and owned and managed by an educational establishment.

A property left unoccupied by a student owner

Properties left unoccupied by a student owner may be exempt from paying council tax.

Please note: the following are not classed as students and are therefore liable for council tax:

  • people studying at evening classes or
  • courses taken in connection with a person's job, such as day release.


Apply for a Student Discount 

Print off the   Application form (PDF) [40KB] , fill it in and return it to us:

Email it to us at

Post it to - Torridge District Council, Riverbank House, Bideford, Devon, EX39 2QG

Can't print the form? Call us on 01237 428900 and we'll send you one.


After you have applied for the discount:

You must continue to pay the instalments shown on your Council Tax bill until you hear from us.

We periodically check accounts that have been granted discounts and exemptions.  If we contact you to review your discount and we don't hear back from you, we will cancel it.

You must tell us if there is a change in your circumstances that may affect your discount. If you don't tell us you may have to pay a penalty.


Empty and Exempt Properties

Exemptions, Discounts and Premiums for empty and occupied properties

Apply for an empty property discount 

Discount (Class C) for a property that is unoccupied and unfurnished

Empty unfurnished properties and empty caravans are entitled to a 100% discount for up to one month. This also applies to newly built properties for up to one month after they are completed as long as no-one lives there and they remain unfurnished.

Start now

Long Term Empty Premium

If a property remains empty and unfurnished the following premium charges will become applicable:

  • From 1st April 2019 - Properties empty for 2 year or more       - 100% premium

  • From 1st April 2020 - Properties empty for 2 years  to 5 years - 100% premium

                                        Properties empty for 5 years or more      -  200% premium

  • From 1st April 2021 - Properties empty for 2 years to 5 years -  100% premium

                                         Properties empty for 5 years to 10 years -  200% premium

                                         Properties empty for 10 years or more    -  300% premium

  • From 1st April 2024 - Properties empty for 1 year to 5 years -  100% premium

                                         Properties empty for 5 years to 10 years -  200% premium

                                         Properties empty for 10 years or more    -  300% premium

  • From 1st April 2025 - Properties that are second homes - 100% premium (no-one's main residence but is substantially furnished).


Please note that if your circumstances change you must tell us within 21 days.  Failure to do so may result in you being issued with a £70 Penalty.

Exemptions from Council Tax - no charge to pay

Exemptions from Council Tax apply in the following circumstances:

Unoccupied and owned by a charity (PDF) [44KB]

Empty due to person being in prison (PDF) [83KB]

Empty due to person having gone to live in a care home (PDF) [43KB]

Empty due to person having gone to live in a hospital (PDF) [84KB]

Council tax payer has died leaving the property empty (PDF) [83KB]

Occupation is prohibited by law (PDF) [44KB]

Empty property held for a minister of religion (PDF) [38KB]

Person living elsewhere to receive personal care (PDF) [88KB]

Person living elsewhere to provide personal care (PDF) [37KB]

Property left empty by a student (PDF) [42KB]

Mortgage lender in possession of property (PDF) [84KB]

Students halls of residence (PDF) [44KB]

Property occupied only by students (PDF) [40KB]

Forces accommodation (PDF) [38KB]

Visiting forces accommodation (PDF) [38KB]

Property left empty by a bankrupt person (PDF) [83KB]

Unoccupied caravan pitch or boat mooring (PDF) [38KB]

Property occupied only by persons under 18 years of age (PDF) [36KB]

Main residence of a person with diplomatic privilege or immunity (PDF) [39KB]

Occupied granny annexe to an occupied property (PDF) [42KB]

Property occupied only by severely mentally impaired person(s) (PDF) [207KB]

Severely Mentally Impaired - Discount (PDF) [206KB]

SMI Doctors Certificate (PDF) [131KB]

Annexe Discount

Under The Council Tax (Reductions for Annexes) (England) Regulations 2013 SI 2977, a dwelling which forms part of a single property which has been separately assessed for Council Tax purposes and is the sole or main residence of a relative, or used as overflow accommodation of the main dwelling, may qualify for a 50% discount in Council Tax from 1st April 2014 subject to the following conditions:

That the dwelling:
1. Forms part of a single property which includes at least one other dwelling; and
2. Is being used by a resident of that other dwelling or, as the case may be, one of those other dwellings, as part of their sole or main residence, or
3. Is the sole or main residence of a relative of the person who is liable to pay council tax in respect of that other dwelling or, as the case may be, one of those other dwellings

Apply for Annexe Discount

Print off the  Annexe Discount Application Form (PDF) [85KB] , fill it in and return it to us:

Email - scan it and send it to us at

Post it to - Torridge District Council, Riverbank House, Bideford, Devon, EX39 2QG

Can't print the form? Call us on 01237 428900 and we'll send you one.


After you've applied for the discount

You must continue to pay the instalments shown on your Council Tax bill until you hear from us.


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