Reliefs and Exemptions
Rate Relief for Charities
Charitable organisations that occupy a non-domestic property for activities in connection with the purposes of that charity, are entitled to business rates relief of 80 per cent of the bill.
Due to the current financial pressures on Torridge District Council the decision has been taken to not award any further discretionary relief. Organisations are still able to claim the mandatory 80% relief.
Under Section 43 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988, property occupied by a registered charity is eligible for 80 per cent mandatory rate relief. This can be granted without an application form being completed.
To qualify for mandatory relief the property must be wholly or mainly used for charitable purposes and the organisation must be established for charitable purposes only, or be occupied by any persons administering a trust established for charitable purposes.
Find out how to set up a charity on the Gov.UK website
Some organisations are not registered as charities, but would be entitled to register under Section 505 of the Income & Corporation Taxes Act 1988. If you are not in the register of charities or an 'excepted charity', we can still treat you as a charity if you have a letter from HM Revenue and Customs stating that, for tax purposes, you are treated as a charity.