Work on New Play Area in Victoria Park Bideford to commence 22nd January

The start date for a major rebuild of the play facilities in Victoria Park Bideford has been announced by Torridge District Council. The current play area will be closed and fenced off from Monday 22nd January when local contractors from TK play will begin preparations for the demolition and removal of the existing structures and equipment. The works programme is scheduled to run over the quieter winter months until the end of march, with a planned opening ahead of the Easter bank holiday weekend.
The new play facilities will include a high tower as a centre piece to the park, providing an access gateway to a whole array of exciting features. When complete the tower will be equipped with two slides, a fireman's pole, climbing walls, ladders and other tactile equipment. The development received approval from the councils plans committee in early November 2023.
The development has been a collaboration between council officers and resident volunteer organisations, who have all been involved in championing the project and raising funding for the build. Finance has been provided though Torridge District Councils capital funding programme, a generous £119k grant from Bideford Bridge Trust, private fund raising, a Bideford Town Council contribution of £10k and a £150k grant from the Governments Rural Prosperity Fund.
Torridge District Councillor Lyndon Piper and Lead Member for Leisure said:
"It's fantastic news that the council have been able to support the construction of this exciting new play area with the help of additional funding from the Bideford Bridge Trust, Bideford Town Council and central government. Local resident groups working alongside our officers have also played a key role in bringing the project to life and it will be great to see the new facilities opened in time for Easter. With the many bespoke features it will be a great replacement for the current facilities and something for children to use and enjoy for many years to come."
12 January 2024