Payments over £500
The Government is seeking to make the public sector more transparent to the public and is encouraging local authorities to publish information on their spending. To aid this transparency we are publishing information on payments over £500.

File Format
The information is produced in two versions. The PDF version is an easy to read version. It is also available as a CSV file which allows the user to read and manipulate the data as they require. It will also allow comparison or combination with payment data from other local authorities as they will publish information in the same format.
All queries relating to this data should be emailed to:
The file gives information where the total payment or credit note is over £500.00, including VAT. The Council can generally recover any VAT that it pays, so the amount shown excludes any VAT that we can recover. Also amounts shown may be less than £500 where a payment is allocated to more than one expense area or code.
Expense Area, Type, Code and Extended Description
These show the service and the purpose for which the expenditure has been incurred together with a brief description of what has been provided.
The Best Value Accounting Code of Practice (BVACOP) description is a standard that is used amongst all local authorities and should aid the combining of the information with that of other authorities.
Redacted Items
Certain transactions may be redacted or be exempt from publication. Personal information falls under the Data Protection Act. These payments have been redacted and the entry is listed as 'REDACTED PERSONAL DATA'.
The data are freely re-usable under the same terms as the Open Government Licence, which can be found at