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Don't let your textiles go to waste... make sure you use the green bag!



Torridge District Council is calling on residents to help support Second Hand September, a campaign by Oxfam which aims to inspire people to reduce their impact on the environment by encouraging them to donate, reuse, rewear, restyle and think about how they shop.

More than 30 per cent, which is around 350,000 tonnes worth, of used but still wearable clothing goes to landfill in the UK every year*.  As part of its weekly recycling collection service Torridge District Council will collect any wanted clothes and textiles - so you can do your bit for the environment without having to take your donations anywhere. 

If you have any clothes or textiles that you wish to recycle, simply put them on top of paper in the green collection bag.  The Council accepts clean dry clothes, clean pairs of shoes, duvet and pillow covers (not the duvet or pillow though) as well as sheets and curtains.  Up to three items can be accepted per collection.

Once collected the textiles are picked up by the Salvation Army, who then take it to be sorted for re-sale, donated or turned into rags.  To find out more visit,

Councillor Chris Leather, Lead Member for Operational Services, Torridge District Council said:

"The amount of textiles that are thrown away each year is absolutely staggering.  As a council we try to do our bit to help and make it easier for residents to recycle as much as they can by including textiles as part of our roadside collection service.  September is often a time that we find ourselves going through our wardrobes as summer turns to Autumn - so if you are having a sort out and find any unwanted clothes, don't forget to put them in your green collection bag.  We will ensure that they are put to good use."

* Source:  Fashion Waste - 2024 Facts & Statistics | Waste Managed

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