Flag at half-mast for Torridge Councillor Peter Christie
![Cllr Peter Christie 2](https://torridge.gov.uk/image/27071/Cllr-Peter-Christie-2/gi-responsive__100.jpg?m=1708511091410)
Torridge Councillors are mourning the loss of one of their fellow councillors with the sad news of the passing of Councillor Peter Christie following a short illness.
Peter was the longest serving councillor at Torridge having been first elected in 1991. He was also a long serving Bideford Town Councillor and was mayor of Bideford several times. During his time in office at Torridge he was chair in 2014-15 and was currently vice chair, a member of the plans committee and leader of the Green Independents.
Outside of the council Peter was a well-known authority on local history and the author of several books. His previous work roles included a job as lecturer at Petroc college where he taught Geography and Oral History.
The council would also like to extend their condolences to Peter's family and friends and have lowered the flag at Riverbank House to half-mast in honour of his memory.
Councillor Ken James, Leader of Torridge District Council said: "Peter was a passionate councillor who spent a long period in local government working hard for his ward in Bideford North but also for all the other residents right across the district. A knowledgeable and eloquent speaker he was an active contributor to many of the key debates over the years and he will be missed by both the constituents he represented and fellow councillors. My condolences go out to his family at this sad time."
Councillor Doug Bushby, Chair of Torridge District Council said: "Peter was a fellow North Ward Councillor who was passionate about doing the very best for his constituents. I had the privilege of working with him over the last ten years on both the district and town council. His vast knowledge of the town and district never ceased to amaze me. A true gentleman who will be sorely missed. I thank him for his service and dedication to Bideford. My condolences to his family at this very sad time."