Local List Glossary

Local Connections Report for Rural Settlements

When is this required?

  • residential development proposal made on the basis of Policy DM24: Rural Settlements

What information is required?

Evidence that the intended occupant(s) of each dwelling(s) have a local connection to the Rural Settlement, on the following basis: 

  • at least one adult in the household was resident continuously in the Rural Settlement for a minimum of five years immediately prior to occupation; or
  • at least one adult of the household was resident in the Rural Settlement for five years within the previous ten years immediately prior to occupation; or
  • at least one parent, guardian, child or sibling, of at least one adult in the intended household, has been resident in the Rural Settlement for a minimum of 5 years immediately prior to occupation; or
  • at least one adult in the household has been in continuous employment for at least 16 hours per week in the Rural Settlement for at least five years immediately prior to occupation.

Evidence will also be required which demonstrates that a housing need has been generated from the Rural Settlement within which the application site is located on the basis of the following:

  • at least one adult in the household needs a separate home (defined as those setting up a new household as a result of co-habitation, marriage, divorce or separation, or those that have, or are about to leave, tied accommodation on retirement) or whose present accommodation is sub-standard or unsuitable to their present circumstances because of their age, an impairment, medical condition or to meet the needs of a growing family, or there is no suitable accommodation available.

Relevant policy and reason for the document:

North Devon and Torridge Local Plan 2011-2031: http://consult.torridge.gov.uk/portal/planning/localplan/adoption/

North Devon and Torridge Local Plan Policy DM24: Rural Settlements.

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