Tent/camping site licensing

Under the Public Health Act 1936, a site must not be used for the siting of tents for more than 42 consecutive days or more than 60 days in any 12 months, without the benefit of a licence.
If you wish to use your land as a tent site for longer than the days stipulated, you must apply for a licence.
Before you apply, you should check that you have the necessary planning permission. A licence cannot be issued until the corresponding planning permission is in place. Planning Support can be contacted at planning.support@torridge.gov.uk
How do I apply for a 'tent' site licence?
Once planning permission has been obtained, the land occupier must apply for a licence . There is no fee for a camping site licence.
On receipt of a completed application, a new licence will be prepared together with the current conditions. A site inspection may also take place at this time.
Tent Site Licence Conditions
The licence will include various conditions that are designed to protect people using the site. These conditions are based on national model standards and can be varied or removed at any time as circumstances change. Conditions relate to aspects such as site layout, fire precautions, sanitary facilities, etc.