Playing Pitch and Built facilities Strategy - 2017-2031
Torridge District Council and North Devon Council have worked together in partnership with Sport England and the National Governing Bodies for Football, Rugby Union, Cricket, Hockey and Bowls to develop a Playing Pitch Strategy for the area. Separately, Torridge District Council has independently adopted a built infrastructure strategy.

The Vision for the Strategies are:
To fully understand the quantity and quality of our current stock of playing pitches, changing provision and sport/recreation facilities to ensure that we:
- Protect the facilities that are used and valued by our current population;
- Provide new facilities in the right locations to cater for increased demand and population; and
- Enhance facilities to ensure that quality meets twenty-first century expectations and attracts new and existing users.
The Strategies provide a framework for ensuring the development, and sustainability, of larger urban pitch sport sites, which are capable of providing a range of opportunities for all members of the community, whilst also protecting the network of smaller, single pitch sport sites in rural areas which help to sustain the very fabric of village life that will run alongside the Districts Local Plan document until 2031.
If you require further information regarding this topic, please contact Adrian Avery (Community Engagement Officer) on