Other licences
Licences are also required for a range of activities which are not the responsibility of Torridge District Council. The most common licences are listed here.

If you wish to carry out busking in Torridge, you do not currently need a licence or permit from the Council. If you are performing on the street or highway, you should first obtain permission from Devon County Council as the highways authority. We recommend that you also contact the police as they will want to be satisfied that you will not be obstructing the highway or thoroughfare. If you are performing on private land, you will need permission from the landowner in question.
Although no licence is required, you should ensure that you do not play music at a volume which causes nuisance to nearby residents or businesses. If you need advice on noise levels, you should contact our Environmental Protection Team on 01237-428700.
See also Street Trading.
Car Boot Sales
At present the Council does not issue licences for open air car boot sales.
It is the responsibility of the organisers of such events to :
- Obtain permission from the landowner
- Ensure public safety.
- Minimise nuisances such as noise and local disruption to traffic.
If you plan to hold a car boot sale in an area close to a main road, we recommend you contact the police prior to the event to discuss traffic management issues.
Fireworks are classes as explosives and are a hazardous product. If you wish to sell fireworks, you must apply for registration with Devon County Council (tel. 0845 155 1015). You can access more information about the registration process by clicking on the off site link on this page.
For general information about fire safety, you should contact Devon & Somerset Fire and Rescue Service (tel. 01392-872228). You can access the Fire Service's website by clicking on the off site link on this page.
Petroleum and Petrol Products
Petroleum is a hazardous substance and its usage needs to be carefully controlled and regulated. Licences for storage and sale of petrol are issued by Devon County Council (tel. 0845 155 1015). You can access more information on petroleum licences by clicking on the off site link on this page.
Scaffolding Licences
If you are intending to carry out any building or maintenance work which involves the use of scaffolding on or adjacent to the public highway (e.g. a public road, street, thoroughfare), you will need to apply for a licence. The use of scaffolding is regulated to ensure public safety. These licences are issued by Devon County Council (tel. 0845 155 1015). You can access more information about scaffolding licences by clicking on the off site link on this page.
Erection of scaffolding on private land does not require a licence from the County Council. However, it is essential that you have regard to Health and Safety requirements to ensure that the public are not put at risk. Further advice is available from the Health and Safety Executive (see off site link).
If you are carrying out building, maintenance or renovation work and want to dispose of waste material in a skip, you may need a licence. If you have sufficient space, you must install the skip on your property. If you want to put the skip on the highway, you will need a licence under the Highways Act 1980. Skip licences are issued by Devon County Council (tel. 0845 155 1015). You can access more information on skip licences by clicking on the off site link on this page.
Street Trading
Information on permissions required for street trading
The Council does not issue licences for street traders. However, if you want to sell goods in the street, there are a number of points you will need to consider:
- you must obtain permission from the relevant landowner. In most cases, this will be Devon County Council (tel. 0845 155 1015; website:www.devon.gov.uk) as highways authority or the District Council for areas such as car parks, parks, beaches etc. In some cases the land may be privately owned and you will need to contact the landowner in person (or their agent) for the necessary permission.
- you should contact your local police station to make sure they have no objections to your activity. In particular, you should make sure that you will not cause an obstruction or congestion in the area you propose to trade.
- if you are selling food, you may also need to register with the Council's Food and Safety Team (www.torridge.gov.uk/food)
- under the Licensing Act 2003, you will require a licence if you intend to sell hot food and/or drink between 11.00 pm and 5.00 am.
Pedlar's Certificate
You need a pedlar's certificate if you sell door to door. The certificates are issued by the police.
The certificate lets you sell throughout the UK. You must trade on foot and carry your goods with you (you can use something like a small trolley).
You don't need a certificate if you visit customers but don't sell to them.
For further information and details on how to apply click on the off site link.
Premises used for civil ceremonies must be approved under the Marriages Act 1994 and the Civil Partnership Act 2004. If you require advice about registering a premises for civil ceremonies, you should contact Devon County Council (tel. 0845 155 1015) or click on the off site link on this page for further information.