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Councillor Climate Change Working Group

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We have set up a Councillor Climate Change Working Group to provide an operational response and delivery of our stated aim that Torridge District Council will achieve carbon neutrality by 2030.

The group:

  • Enables and establishes collaborative working across the Council and engagement with individuals, community groups, parish and town councils, businesses and other partners in the district.
  • Investigate steps that may be taken by the Council and by Torridge residents and businesses to work towards the Council's commitment to achieving net-zero carbon status by 2030 and towards protecting and enhancing biodiversity.
  • Oversee the Carbon and Biodiversity Plan for TDC, ensuring that actions are realistic, measurable and deliverable. Provide input into the development of the plan and strategic direction and oversight of its delivery, once adopted, making recommendations to Full Council, Community & Resources Committee and other strategic and governance committees and groups, as necessary.
  • Identify support needed from Central Government in terms of funding, additional powers and policy changes which are needed to achieve the Council's climate and ecological objectives.
  • Monitor funding opportunities making recommendations through governance structures where necessary or support Officers to undertake bids/projects.
  • To identify, support and champion climate and ecological progress across the Council whilst providing an appropriate level of critical challenge for the organisation.
  • To identify, promote and participate in partnership opportunities that will progress TDC's stated Carbon and biodiversity goals.
  • To promote and champion the actions, progress and achievements of the Council in meeting its carbon neutrality, environmental and economic development aims.
  • Through governance structures to report on activities, outcomes, risks and resource demands, and action direction out of these governance arrangements.
  • To provide support and oversight of actions, initiatives and opportunities coming out of Devon County Council's declaration of climate emergency made in February 2019.
  • To support and champion Torridge's high-quality environment, air, land, water, food products and renewable energy resources.
  • To identify appropriate income generating opportunities which will tie in with the council's climate objectives.

The group is currently chaired by Cllr Peter Hames,

Climate Change Action Group


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