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Advice for Older People

If you are an older person wishing to remain in your own home then there is support available to enable you to do this. Care Direct can provide information and help, including:

  • Advice about alterations and repairs and keeping your home warm and secure
  • Benefit advice
  • The provision of aids, adaptations and home alarm schemes.

For more information, please go to Help to stay living at home (opens in new tab)

If you are an older person wishing to move home, then options include:

Sheltered Housing

Sheltered housing is self contained accommodation for people over the age of 60 or people with a disability, who require some support to live independently. A number of Housing Associations (also known as Registered Providers) provide sheltered housing for rent. Generally the properties have been built for older people, and are usually flats or bungalows with an alarm call system so that you can summon help if you need it, and a Support Officer who visits you regularly.

To apply for sheltered housing in Torridge you need to apply to Devon Home Choice. For more information go to Devon Home Choice home page (opens in new tab).

Moreton Court, Bideford

This extra care scheme is owned and managed by Sanctuary Housing and is for people aged 55 or over with an assessed care and support need, and a local connection to Bideford, Torridge or Northern Devon. Residents have their own one or two bedroom apartment with an alarm call system installed and access to care and support on-site as and when it is needed.

Torridge District Council and Devon County Council meet with Sanctuary to approve new tenants. Applicants must have care needs that have been assessed, and the scheme may not be suitable if you require a substantial amount of regular nursing care that cannot be delivered in your own home.

To find out if you can be considered for Moreton Court please telephone My Devon on 0345 1551 007.

Residential and Nursing Care

You will need to seek help from Devon County Council if you, or a friend or relative is in need of Residential or Nursing Care. For more information, please visit DCC Residential Homes (opens in new tab).


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