Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs)
Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) provide guidance on the interpretation and application of the policies of the Development Plan. They are used by applicants, agents, decision makers and other parties in the preparation and determination of planning applications and are intended to help ensure that policies are understood and applied consistently. The content of an adopted SPD can be a material consideration in the determination of a planning application.
Torridge District Council has adopted three SPDs to support the North Devon and Torridge Local Plan. Copies of the SPDs and associated details can be found below:
Affordable Housing SPD
The Affordable Housing SPD sets out how the Councils will consider planning applications which have the potential to support the delivery of affordable housing. It principally provides guidance to support the implementation of Policies ST18: Affordable Housing on Development Sites, ST19: Affordable Housing on Exception Sites and ST19A: Entry-Level Exception Sites of the Local Plan, whilst responding to changes to national planning policy introduced following the adoption of the Local Plan. The SPD was adopted by North Devon Council and Torridge District Council via resolution of the Joint Planning Policy committee on 15th July 2022.
- Affordable Housing SPD (PDF, 7 MB)
- Affordable Housing SPD Adoption Statement (PDF, 97 KB)
- Affordable Housing SPD Consultation Statement (PDF, 1 MB)
Air Quality SPD
The Air Quality SPD sets out how North Devon and Torridge District Councils will consider the potential for new developments to affect air quality adversely, which types and scales of planning applications require an air quality impact assessment, and if so what an air quality impact assessment should include.It also provides guidance on how emissions from particular types of agricultural development should be considered. The SPD was adopted by North Devon Council and Torridge District Council on 5th October 2020.
- Air Quality SPD (PDF, 820 KB)
- Air Quality SPD Adoption Statement (PDF, 157 KB)
- Air Quality SPD Consultation Statement (PDF, 695 KB)
Rural Workers Dwelling SPD
The Rural Workers' Dwellings SPD sets out how North Devon and Torridge District Councils will consider planning applications for rural workers' dwellings, the Councils' approach to proposals for the release of conditions restricting the occupation of such dwellings and how succession in agriculture is enabled. The SPD was adopted by North Devon Council on the 6th January 2020 and Torridge District Council on 20th January 2020.
- Rural Workers' Dwellings SPD (PDF, 1023 KB)
- Rural Workers' Dwellings SPD Adoption Statement (PDF, 217 KB)